- Where did you go to, if I may ask?
- To look ahead.
- What brought you back?
- Looking behind. Nasty business. Still, they're all in one piece.

1) if I may – [ɪf aɪ meɪ] – если позволите
2) look ahead – [lʊk əhed] – заглянуть вперед
1) bring (brought; brought) back – [ˈbrɪŋ (ˈbrɔ:t; ˈbrɔ:t) ˈbæk] – привести обратно
1) look behind – [lʊk bɪˈhaɪnd] – смотреть назад; оглянуться
3) nasty – [nɑ:stɪ] – скверный
1) business – [ˈbɪznəs] – дело
1) still – [ˈstɪl] – однако; тем не менее
2) in one piece – [ɪn wʌn pi:s] – целый и невредимый

- No thanks to your burglar.
- He had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that. They must have come down from the Ettenmoors.

2) thanks – [θæŋks] – спасибо; благодарность
4) burglar – [ˈbɜ:ɡlə] – взломщик
4) nous – [naʊs] – сообразительность
1) play for time – [pleɪ fɔ: taɪm] – пытаться выиграть время; тянуть время
1) rest – [rest] – остальные
1) think (thought; thought) –θɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t; ˈθɔ:t)] – подумать
1) come (came; come) down – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm) daʊn] – спускаться
4) moor – [mʊə] – болото; пустошь

- Since when do Mountain Trolls venture this far south?
- Ooh. Not for an age.

1) since when – [ˈsɪns ˈwen] – с каких пор?
2) mountain – [ˈmaʊntɪn] – горный
5) troll – [trəʊl] – тролль
2) venture – [ˈventʃə] – осмелиться; отважиться; сметь
2) south – [ˈsaʊθ] – юг
1) age – [ˈeɪdʒ] – эпоха; эра; век

- Not since a darker power ruled these lands. They could not have moved in daylight.
- There must be a cave nearby.

1) not since – [nɒt sɪns] – ни разу со времен
2) dark – [dɑ:k] – темный
1) power – [ˈpaʊə] – сила
1) rule – [ˈru:l] – править; управлять
2) lands – [ˈlændz] – земли
1) move – [mu:v] – двигаться; перемещаться
3) daylight – [ˈdeɪlaɪt] – дневной свет
3) cave – [keɪv] – пещера
2) nearby – [ˈnɪəbaɪ] – рядом; неподалеку; поблизости

- Oh, what's that stench?
- It's a Troll-hoard. Be careful what you touch.
- Seems a shame just to leave it lying around. Anyone could take it.

4) stench –  [stentʃ] – зловоние; смрад; вонь
4) hoard –  [hɔ:d] – запасы; склад
2) careful – [ˈkeəfʊl] – осторожный
2) touch – [tʌtʃ] – трогать; касаться
1) seem – [ˈsi:m] – казаться
2) shame – [ʃeɪm] – досада; жалость
1) leave (left; left) – [ˈli:v (ˈleft; ˈleft)] – оставлять
2) lie (lying) – [laɪ (ˈlaɪɪŋ)] – лежать

- Agreed. Nori.
- Yeah?
- Get a shovel.
- These swords were not made by any Troll.
- Nor were they made by any smith among Men.

2) agreed – [əˈɡri:d] – согласен
4) shovel – [ˈʃʌvl̩] – совковая лопата
3) sword – [sɔ:d] – меч
1) make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать
4) smith – [smɪθ] – кузнец
1) among – [əˈmʌŋ] – среди
1) man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)

- These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age. You could not wish for a finer blade.
- Set it down.
- That's good.
- All right, come on. Quick.

3) forged – [fɔ:dʒd] – выкованный
1) high – [haɪ] – высший
4) elf (elves) – [elf (elvz)] – эльф (эльфы)
1) age – [ˈeɪdʒ] – эпоха; эра
3) blade – [bleɪd] – клинок
1) set (set; set) down – [set (set; set) daʊn] – положить (на землю)
2) quick – [kwɪk] – быстро

- We're making a long-term deposit.
- Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, let's go. Bofur, Gloin, Nori.

3) long-term deposit – [lɒŋ tɜ:m dɪpɒzɪt] – долгосрочный вклад
1) get (got; got/gotten) out – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt/ˈɡɒtn̩) aʊt] – вылезти; уйти
3) foul – [faʊl] – гадкий; скверный; отвратительный
1) place – [ˈpleɪs] – место

- Bilbo.
- Hmm?
- Here. This is about your size.
- I can't take this.
- The blade is of Elvish make, which means it will glow blue when Orcs or Goblins are nearby.
- I have never used a sword in my life.

1) size – [saɪz] – размер
3) blade – [bleɪd] – клинок
5) Elvish – [elvɪʃ] – эльфийский
1) make – [ˈmeɪk] – работа; изделие; производство
1) mean (meant; meant) – [mi:n (ment; ment)] – значить; означать
3) glow – [ɡləʊ] – сиять; сверкать
2) nearby – [ˈnɪəbaɪ] – рядом; неподалеку; поблизости
1) use – [ˈju:z] – использовать; пользоваться
3) sword – [sɔ:d] – меч

- And I hope you never have to. But if you do, remember this: True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one.

2) remember – [rɪˈmembə] – вспоминать; помнить
1) true – [tru:] – настоящий; подлинный
2) courage – [ˈkʌrɪdʒ] – смелость; мужество; отвага
2) knowing – [ˈnəʊɪŋ] – знание; понимание
1) take (took; taken) – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən)] – забрать
3) spare – [speə] – пожалеть; помиловать; пощадить

- Something's coming!
- Gandalf.
- Stay together! Hurry now! Arm yourselves!

2) stay – [ˈsteɪ] – оставаться
1) together – [təˈɡeðə] – вместе
3) hurry – [ˈhʌrɪ] – торопиться; спешить; быстро!
2) arm – [ɑ:m] – вооружиться

- Thieves! Fire! Murder!
- Radagast. It's Radagast the Brown. What on earth are you doing here?
- I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something’s wrong. Something’s terribly wrong.
- Yes?

3) thief (thieves) – [θi:f (θi:vz)] – вор; подлец (воры)
2) murder – [ˈmɜ:də] – убийство
2) brown – [braʊn] – бурый; коричневый
2) What on Earth …? – [ˈwɒt ɒn ɜ:θ] – что именно?
1) look for – [lʊk fɔ:] – искать
2) wrong – [rɒŋ] – неблагополучный; неладный
3) terribly – [ˈterəblɪ] – ужасно; очень; страшно

- Oh. Just give me a minute. Oh. I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was right there on the tip of my tongue. Oh. It's not a thought at all. It's a silly old stick insect. The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf.

1) thought –θɔ:t] – мысль
2) lose (lost; lost) – [lu:z (lɒst; lɒst)] – терять
2) tip – [tɪp] – кончик
2) tongue – [tʌŋ] – язык
3) silly – [ˈsɪlɪ] – глупый
3) stick insect – [stɪk ɪnsekt] – палочник
5) greenwood – [ɡri:nwʊd] – лиственный лес; зеленый лес
2) sick – [ˈsɪk] –  больной

- A darkness has fallen over it. Nothing grows anymore. At least, nothing good. The air is foul with decay. But worse are the webs.

2) darkness – [ˈdɑ:knəs] – мрак; тьма
2) fall (fell; fallen) – [fɔ:l (fel; ˈfɔ:lən)] – падать
2) grow (grew; grown) – [ɡrəʊ (ɡru:, ɡrəʊn)] – расти
1) at least – [ət li:st] – по крайней мере
3) foul – [faʊl] – загрязненный
3) decay – [dɪˈkeɪ] – гниение; разложение
2) bad (worse; worst) – [bæd (wɜ:s; wɜ:st)] – плохой (еще хуже; самый худший)
2) web – [web] – паутина

- Webs? What do you mean?
- Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I am not a Wizard. I followed their trail. They came from Dol Guldur.

2) web – [web] – паутина
1) mean (meant; meant) – [mi:n (ment; ment)] – иметь в виду; подразумевать; хотеть сказать
3) spider – [ˈspaɪdə] – паук
3) giant – [ˈdʒaɪənt] – гигантский; громадный
4) spawn – [spɔ:n] – потомство; порождение
4) wizard – [ˈwɪzəd] – маг; волшебник
1) follow – [ˈfɒləʊ] – идти за; следовать
3) trail – [treɪl] – след
1) come (came; come) – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm)] – приходить

- Huh? Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned.
- No, Gandalf. 'Tis not. A dark power dwells in there, such as I have never felt before. It is the shadow of an ancient horror.

3) fortress – [ˈfɔ:trɪs] – крепость
2) abandoned – [əˈbændənd] – заброшенный; покинутый
‘tis = it is – [tɪz = ɪt ɪz]
2) dark – [dɑ:k] – темный
1) power – [ˈpaʊə] – сила
3) dwell – [dwel] – обитать; жить
1) feel (felt; felt) – [fi:l (felt; felt)] – ощущать
2) shadow – [ˈʃædəʊ] – тень; призрак
2) ancient – [ˈeɪnʃənt] – древний
3) horror – [ˈhɒrə] – ужас

- One that can summon the spirits of the dead. I saw him, Gandalf. From out of the darkness a Necromancer has come.

3) summon – [ˈsʌmən] – призвать
2) spirit – [ˈspɪrɪt] – дух
2) the dead – [ðə ded] – умершие; мертвецы
1) see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
2) darkness – [ˈdɑ:knəs] – мрак; тьма
5) Necromancer – [ˈnekrəʊˌmænsə] – некромант
1) come (came; come) – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm)] – приходить; появляться

- Radagast.
- Quick! Quick, quick! Quick, quick! Wait for me! Sorry.
- Try a little Old Toby. It'll help settle your nerves. And out. Now, a Necromancer. Are you sure?
- That is not from the world of the living.

2) quick – [kwɪk] – быстро
2) wait – [weɪt] – ждать
5) Toby – [ˈtəʊbɪ] – сорт тонких дешевых сигар
2) settle – [ˈsetl̩] – успокоить
3) nerves – [nɜ:vz] – нервы
5) Necromancer – [ˈnekrəʊˌmænsə] – некромант
1) sure – [ʃʊə\ ʃɔ:] – уверенный
1) world – [wɜ:ld] – мир
1) living – [ˈlɪvɪŋ] – живые люди; мир живых

- Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?
- Wolves? No, that is not a wolf.
- Kili! Get your bow!
- Warg scouts. Which means an Orc pack is not far behind.
- Orc pack?

3) wolf (wolves) – [wʊlf (wʊlvz)] – волк (волки)
1) out there – [aʊt ðeə] – рядом; поблизости
3) bow – [bəʊ] – лук для стрельбы
5) warg – [wɑ:ɡ] – огромный волк (мифическое существо)
4) scout – [skaʊt] – разведчик
1) mean (meant; meant) – [mi:n (ment; ment)] – значить
3) pack – [pæk] – свора; шайка; банда
1) not far – [nɒt fɑ:] – недалеко; неподалеку
1) behind – [bɪˈhaɪnd] – позади

- Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?
- No one.
- Who did you tell?
- No one, I swear.
- What in Durin's name is going on?
- You are being hunted.

1) tell (told; told) – [ˈtel (toʊld; toʊld)] – рассказать
3) quest – [ˈkwest] – поиски; искания; поход; поиск приключений
1) beyond – [bɪˈjɒnd] – кроме
3) kin – [kɪn] – родственники; родня; семья
3) swear (swore; sworn) – [sweə (swɔ:, swɔ:n)] – клясться
1) go (went; gone) on – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) ɒn] – твориться; происходить
3) hunt – [hʌnt] – охотиться

- We have to get out of here.
- We can't. We have no ponies. They bolted.
- I'll draw them off.
- These are Gundabad Wargs. They will outrun you.
- These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try.

1) have\has (had; had) to – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd) tu:] – нужно
1) get (got; got/gotten) out – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt/ˈɡɒtn̩) aʊt] – уходить; убираться
4) pony – [ˈpəʊnɪ] – пони
3) bolt – [bəʊlt] – убегать; удирать
2) draw (drew; drawn) off – [drɔ: (dru:, drɔ:n) ɒf] – отвлекать; уводить
4) outrun (outran; outrun) – [aʊˈtrʌn (ˌaʊtˈræn; ˌaʊtˈrʌn)] – обогнать
3) rabbit – [ˈræbɪt] – кролик
1) try (tried) – [ˈtraɪ (ˈtraɪd)] – пытаться; пробовать

- Come on! Come on! Come and get me! Ha, ha!
- Come on. Stay together. Move!
- Ori, no! Get back.
- All of you, come on. Quick!

1) come on – [kʌm ɒn] – скорей; живее; быстрей; давай
1) get (got; got/gotten) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt/ˈɡɒtn̩)] – схватить
2) stay – [ˈsteɪ] – оставаться
1) together – [təˈɡeðə] – вместе
1) move – [mu:v] – двигаться
1) get (got; got/gotten) back – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt/ˈɡɒtn̩) ˈbæk] – вернуться
2) quick – [kwɪk] – быстро

- Where are you leading us?
- Move! Run!
- There they are!
- This way! Quickly!
- There's more coming!
- Kili! Shoot them!

1) lead (led; led) – [li:d (led; led)] – вести
1) move – [mu:v] – двигаться
1) this way – [ðɪs ˈweɪ] – сюда
2) quickly – [ˈkwɪklɪ] – быстро
3) shoot (shot; shot) – [ʃu:t (ʃɒt; ʃɒt)] – стрелять

- We're surrounded! Where's Gandalf?
- He's abandoned us.
- Hold your ground!
- This way, you fools! Come on, move!
- Quickly! All of you!
- Come on!
- Go, go, go!
- Eight, nine, ten.
- Kili! Run!

3) surrounded – [səˈraʊndɪd] – окруженный
2) abandon – [əˈbændən] – бросать
1) hold (held; held) ground – [həʊld (held; held) ɡraʊnd] – удерживать занятые позиции; не отступать
1) this way – [ðɪs ˈweɪ] – сюда
3) fool – [fu:l] – глупец; безумец; дурак
1) come on – [kʌm ɒn] – скорей; живее; быстрей; давай
1) move – [mu:v] – двигаться
2) quickly – [ˈkwɪklɪ] – быстро

- Elves.
- I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or not?
- Follow it, of course.
- I think that would be wise.
- Come on now, brother.

4) elf (elves) – [elf (elvz)] – эльф (эльфы)
3) pathway – [ˈpɑ:θweɪ] – тропа; дорожка
1) lead (led; led) – [li:d (led; led)] – вести
1) follow – [ˈfɒləʊ] – идти за; следовать
1) of course – [ɒv kɔ:s] – разумеется; конечно
2) wise – [waɪz] – умный; мудрый

Часть 13


 Часть 15