- The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue, it's known by another name.
- Rivendell.
- Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea.

2) valley – [ˈvæli] – долина
1) common – [ˈkɒmən] – простой; обычный; общий
2) tongue – [tʌŋ] – язык
1) known – [nəʊn] – известный
5) rive (rived; riven) – [raɪv (raɪvd; rɪvn̩)] – раскалывать; расщеплять
5) riven – [rɪvn̩] – расколотый; расщепленный
4) dell – [del] – лощина; долина
1) last – [lɑ:st] – последний
4) homely – [ˈhəʊmlɪ] – домашний; уютный
2) east – [ˈi:st] – восток

- This was your plan all along. To seek refuge with our enemy.
- You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself.

3) all along – [ɔ:l əˈlɒŋ] – с самого начала; всё это время
2) seek (sought; sought) – [si:k (ˈsɔ:t; ˈsɔ:t)] – искать
3) refuge – [ˈrefju:dʒ] – убежище; укрытие
2) enemy – [ˈenəmɪ] – враг
5) oaken – [ˈəʊkən] – дубовый; крепкий; мощный
3) shield – [ʃi:ld] – щит
2) ill – [ɪl] – недоброе; зло
1) find (found; found) – [ˈfaɪnd (ˈfaʊnd; ˈfaʊnd)] – находить
2) valley – [ˈvæli] – долина
1) bring (brought; brought) – [ˈbrɪŋ (ˈbrɔ:t; ˈbrɔ:t)] – приносить

- You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us.
- Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered.

4) elf (elves) – [elf (elvz)] – эльф (эльфы)
3) quest – [ˈkwest] – поиски; искания; поход; поиск приключений
3) blessing – [ˈblesɪŋ] – благословение
1) try (tried) – [ˈtraɪ (ˈtraɪd)] – пытаться; стараться
1) of course – [ɒv kɔ:s] – разумеется; конечно
1) question – [ˈkwestʃən] – вопрос
1) answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать

- If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact. And respect. And no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me.

1) successful – [səkˈsesfʊl] – успешный
2) handle – [ˈhændl̩] – обращаться; заниматься
3) tact – [tækt] – тактичность; такт; деликатность
1) respect – [rɪˈspekt] – уважение
1) degree – [dɪˈɡri:] – степень; толика
3) charm – [tʃɑ:m] – обаяние; очарование
1) leave (left; left) – [ˈli:v (ˈleft; ˈleft)] – оставлять
2) talking – [ˈtɔ:kɪŋ] – беседа

- Mithrandir.
- Ah. Lindir.
- Stay sharp.
- I must speak with Lord Elrond.
- My Lord Elrond is not here.
- Not here? Where is he?
- Close ranks!
- Gandalf.
- Lord Elrond.

2) stay sharp – [steɪ ʃɑ:p] – быть начеку
2) speak (spoke; spoken) – [spi:k (spəʊk; ˈspəʊkən)] – разговаривать; говорить
2) close ranks – [kləʊz ræŋks] – смыкать ряды; сплачиваться

- Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near.
- That may have been us.
- Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain.
- I do not believe we have met.

2) strange – [streɪndʒ] – странный
1) close – [kləʊs] – близко
2) border – [ˈbɔ:də] – граница
2) draw (drew; drawn) – [drɔ: (dru:, drɔ:n)] – привлекать
1) be\am\is\are (was\were; been) – [bi:\æm\ɪz\ɑ: (wəz\wɜ:, bi:n)] – быть
2) welcome – [ˈwelkəm] – добро пожаловать
1) believe – [bɪˈli:v] – полагать; думать; верить
1) meet (met; met) – [mi:t (met; met)] – встречаться

- You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled Under the Mountain.
- Indeed? He made no mention of you.

3) grandfather – [ˈɡrænfɑ:ðə] – дед
2) bearing – [ˈbeərɪŋ] – поведение; манера держать себя
1) know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
1) rule – [ˈru:l] – править; управлять
2) mountain – [ˈmaʊntɪn] – гора
1) indeed – [ˌɪnˈdi:d] – в самом деле
2) make (made; made) mention – [meɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd) menʃn̩] – упоминать

- What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?
- No, Master Gloin, he's offering you food.
- Well, in that case, lead on.
- Hey. Come on.

1) offer – [ˈɒfə] – пытаться; предлагать
3) insult – [ɪnˈsʌlt] – оскорбление; издевательство
1) food – [ˈfu:d] – еда
1) in that case – [ɪn ðət keɪs] – в таком случае
1) lead (led; led) on – [li:d (led; led) ɒn] – показывать дорогу

- Try it. Just a mouthful.
- I don't like green food.
- Where's the meat?
- Have they got any chips?

1) try (tried) – [ˈtraɪ (ˈtraɪd)] – пробовать
4) mouthful – [ˈmaʊθˌfʊl] – кусочек
2) green food – [ɡri:n fu:d] – трава; зеленая еда
2) meat – [mi:t] – мясо
3) chips – [tʃɪps] – жареный хрустящий картофель

- Kind of you to invite us. Not really dressed for dinner.
- Well, you never are. This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver. A famous blade forged by the High Elves of the West, my kin.

1) kind – [kaɪnd] – любезный; славный
3) invite – [ˌɪnˈvaɪt] – приглашать
2) dressed – [drest] – одетый
2) dinner – [ˈdɪnə] – обед; ужин
5) cleaver – [ˈkli:və] – большой нож мясника; топор мясника
2) famous – [ˈfeɪməs] – знаменитый; известный
3) blade – [bleɪd] – клинок
3) forged – [fɔ:dʒd] – выкованный
1) high – [haɪ] – высший
2) west – [ˈwest] – запад
3) kin – [kɪn] – родственники; родня; семья

- May it serve you well. And this is Glamdring, the Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These were made for the Goblin Wars of the First Age.

2) serve – [sɜ:v] – служить
3) foe – [fəʊ] – недруг; неприятель; враг
3) hammer – [ˈhæmə] – молот
3) sword – [sɔ:d] – меч
2) king – [kɪŋ] – король
1) make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать; создать
1) war – [wɔ:] – война
1) first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
1) age – [ˈeɪdʒ] – эпоха; эра

- I wouldn't bother, laddie. Swords are named for the great deeds they do in war.
- What are you saying, my sword hasn't seen battle?

3) bother – [bɒðə] – беспокоиться; утруждаться
5) laddie – [ˈlædɪ] – парнишка; мальчишка
3) sword – [sɔ:d] – меч
3) deed – [di:d] – деяние; поступок; действие; дело
1) war – [wɔ:] – война
1) see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть; испытывать
2) battle – [bætl̩] – битва; сражение

- I'm not actually sure it is a sword. More of a letter opener, really.
- How did you come by these?
- We found them in a Troll-hoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs.

1) actually – [ˈæktʃuəlɪ] – на самом деле; действительно
1) sure – [ʃʊə\ ʃɔ:] – уверенный
3) sword – [sɔ:d] – меч
4) letter opener – [letə əʊpənə] – канцелярский нож; нож для вскрытия конвертов
1) come (came; come) by – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm) baɪ] – найти; достать; раздобыть
1) find (found; found) – [ˈfaɪnd (ˈfaʊnd; ˈfaʊnd)] – находить; обнаружить
4) hoard –  [hɔ:d] – запасы; склад
2) east – [ˈi:st] – восток; восточный
1) road – [rəʊd] – дорога
2) shortly before – [ʃɔ:tli bɪfɔ:] – незадолго до
4) ambush – [ˈæmbʊʃ] – неожиданно нападать из засады

- And what were you doing on the Great East Road?
- Our business is no concern of Elves.
- For goodness’ sake, Thorin, show him the map.
- It is the legacy of my people. It is mine to protect, as are its secrets.

2) east – [ˈi:st] – восток; восточный
1) road – [rəʊd] – дорога
1) business – [ˈbɪznəs] – дело
1) concern – [kənˈsɜ:n] – отношение; касательство
3) for goodness' sake – [fɔ: ˈɡʊdnɪs seɪk] – во имя всего святого; ради всего святого; ради бога
1) show (showed; shown) – [ˈʃəʊ (ʃəʊd; ˈʃəʊn)] – показать
2) map – [mæp] – карта
3) legacy – [ˈleɡəsɪ] – наследие; достояние
2) protect – [prəˈtekt] – защищать

- Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall. You stand here, in the presence of one of the few in Middle-earth, who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond.
- Thorin, no.

2) save from – [seɪv frɒm] – избавать
3) stubbornness – [ˈstʌbən nəs] – упрямство
3) dwarf (dwarves) – [dwɔ:f (dwɔ:vz)] – гном
2) pride – [praɪd] – гордость
3) downfall – [ˈdaʊnfɔ:l] – падение; крах; гибель
2) stand (stood; stood) – [stænd (stʊd; stʊd)] – стоять; находиться
1) presence – [ˈprezəns] – присутствие
1) few – [ˈfju:] – несколько
2) Middle-earth – [mɪdl̩ ɜ:θ] – Средиземье (средний + Земля)
2) map – [mæp] – карта
1) show (showed; shown) – [ˈʃəʊ (ʃəʊd; ˈʃəʊn)] – показать

- Erebor. What is your interest in this map?
- It's mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text.

1) interest – [ˈɪntərɪst\ˈɪntrɪst] – интерес; заинтересованность
2) map – [mæp] – карта
2) mainly – [ˈmeɪnlɪ] – главным образом; преимущественно
2) academic – [ˌækəˈdemɪk] – академический; научный
1) sort – [ˈsɔ:t] – тип; вид
4) artifact – [ˈɑ:tɪfækt] – артефакт; предмет материальной культуры
2) contain – [kənˈteɪn] – содержать
2) hidden – [hɪdn] – тайный; спрятанный; скрытый

- You still read ancient Dwarvish, do you not? Moon runes? Of course. An easy thing to miss.
- Well, in this case, that is true.

1) still – [ˈstɪl] – по-прежнему
2) ancient – [ˈeɪnʃənt] – древний; старинный
3) moon – [mu:n] – луна; лунный
4) rune – [ru:n] – руна
1) easy – [ˈi:zɪ] – легкий; простой
2) miss – [ˈmɪs] – пропустить
1) in this case – [ɪn ðɪs keɪs] – в данном случае

- Moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written.
- Can you read them?

3) moon – [mu:n] – луна; лунный
4) rune – [ru:n] – руна
1) read (read; read) – [ri:d (red; red)] – читать
1) light – [ˈlaɪt] – свет
1) the same – [ðə ˈseɪm] – такой же; тот же
2) shape – [ʃeɪp] – форма
2) season – [si:zn] – время года
1) written – [ˈrɪtn̩] – написанный

- These runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly 200 years ago.

4) rune – [ru:n] – руна
1) written – [ˈrɪtn̩] – написанный
4) Midsummer – [ˈmɪdˈsʌmə] – середина лета; летнее солнцестояние
3) eve – [ˈi:v] – канун
1) light – [ˈlaɪt] – свет
4) crescent moon – [ˈkresənt mu:n] – полумесяц
2) nearly – [ˈnɪəlɪ] – почти
2) ago – [əˈɡəʊ] – тому назад

- It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield.

1) it would seem – [ɪt wʊd si:m] – кажется; видимо
1) mean (meant; meant) – [mi:n (ment; ment)] – предназначаться
5) rive (rived; riven) – [raɪv (raɪvd; rɪvn̩)] – раскалывать; расщеплять
5) riven – [rɪvn̩] – расколотый; расщепленный
4) dell – [del] – лощина; долина
2) fate – [ˈfeɪt] – судьба
5) oaken – [ˈəʊkən] – дубовый; крепкий; мощный
3) shield – [ʃi:ld] – щит

- The same moon shines upon us tonight. "Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole."
- Durin's Day?

1) the same – [ðə ˈseɪm] – та же
3) moon – [mu:n] – луна
3) shine (shone; shone) – [ʃaɪn (ʃɒn; ʃɒn)] – светить; сиять
2) stand (stood; stood) – [stænd (stʊd; stʊd)] – стоять; находиться
3) gray – [ɡreɪ] – серый
2) stone – [stəʊn] – камень
4) thrush –  [θrʌʃ] – дрозд
3) knock – [nɒk] – стучать
2) setting sun – [setɪŋ sʌn] – заходящее солнце
1) last – [lɑ:st] – последний
1) light – [ˈlaɪt] – свет
4) keyhole – [ˈki:həʊl] – замочная скважина

- It is the start of the Dwarves' new year, when the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together.

3) dwarf (dwarves) – [dwɔ:f (dwɔ:vz)] – гном
1) new year – [nju: ˈjiə] – Новый Год
1) last – [lɑ:st] – последний
3) moon – [mu:n] – луна
2) autumn – [ˈɔ:təm] – осень
1) first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
2) winter – [ˈwɪntə] – зима
1) appear – [əˈpɪə] – появиться

- This is ill news. Summer is passing. Durin's Day will soon be upon us.
- We still have time.
- Time? For what?
- To find the entrance.

2) ill news – [ɪl nju:z] – дурные вести
2) summer – [ˈsʌmə] – лето
2) pass – [pɑ:s] – проходить
1) soon – [su:n] – вскоре; скоро
1) still – [ˈstɪl] – все ещё
1) find (found; found) – [ˈfaɪnd (ˈfaʊnd; ˈfaʊnd)] – находить
2) entrance – [ˈentrəns] – вход

- We have to be standing in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened.
- So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain?

2) stand (stood; stood) – [stænd (stʊd; stʊd)] – стоять; находиться
2) exactly – [ɪgˈzæktlɪ] – точно
1) right – [raɪt] – верный
2) spot – [spɒt] – место
1) opened – [ˈəʊpnd] – открытый
1) purpose – [ˈpɜ:pəs] – цель; намерение
2) enter – [ˈentə] – входить; проникать
2) mountain – [ˈmaʊntɪn] – гора

- What of it?
- There are some who would not deem it wise.
- What do you mean?
- You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle-earth.

1) What of it? – [wɒt ɒv ɪt] – Что из этого?; Ну и что?
4) deem – [di:m] – полагать; считать; думать
2) wise – [waɪz] – умный; мудрый
1) mean (meant; meant) – [mi:n (ment; ment)] – иметь в виду; подразумевать; хотеть сказать
3) guardian – [ˈɡɑ:dɪən] – хранитель
2) stand (stood; stood) watch – [stænd (stʊd; stʊd) wɒtʃ] – стоять на страже
2) Middle-earth – [mɪdl̩ ɜ:θ] – Средиземье (средний + Земля)

Часть 14


 Часть 16