chapter – [ˈtʃæptə] – глава

We left Streatley early the next morning. We were going to Culham, and we wanted to spend the night there.

leave (left, left) – [li:v (left, left)] – оставлять, уходить, покидать
early – [ˈɜ:li] – рано
next – [nekst] – следующий
morning – [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] – утро
go (went; gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn)] – идти; отправляться
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
spend (spent, spent) – [spend (spent, spent)] – проводить
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь

Between Streatley and Wallingford the river is not very interesting. Then from Cleeve there is quite a long piece of the river which has no locks.

between – [bɪˈtwi:n] – между
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
interesting – [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] – интересный
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, очень
long – [ˈlɒŋ] – длинный
piece – [pi:s] – часть, кусок
which – [wɪtʃ] – который
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз

Most people are pleased about this because it makes everything much easier, but I quite like locks, myself.

people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
pleased – [pli:zd] – довольный
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; оттого что; так как
make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать
easier – [ˈi:zɪə] – легче, проще
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, очень
like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз

I remember that George and I nearly had an accident in a lock once… It was a lovely day, and there were a lot of boats in the lock.

remember – [rɪˈmembə] – вспоминать
nearly – [ˈnɪəli] – почти
accident – [ˈæksɪdənt] – авария, несчастный случай
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
lovely – [ˈlʌvli] – славный, чудесный
a lot of – [ə lɒt ɒv] – много
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

Someone was taking a photograph of us all, and the photographer was hoping to sell the picture to the people in the lock.

take (took; taken) a photograph – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən) ə ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотографировать
photographer – [fəˈtɒɡrəfə] – фотограф
hope – [həʊp] – надеяться
sell (sold, sold) – [sel (səʊld, səʊld)] – продавать
picture – [ˈpɪktʃə] – фотография
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз

I did not see the photographer at first, but suddenly George started to brush his trousers, and he fixed his hair and put on his hat.

see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
photographer – [fəˈtɒɡrəfə] – фотограф
at first – [ət ˈfɜ:st] – сначала
suddenly – [sʌdn̩li] – вдруг, неожиданно
start – [stɑ:t] – начинать
brush – [brʌʃ] – очищать; чистить
trousers – [ˈtraʊzəz] – брюки
fix hair – [fɪks heə] – укладывать волосы, причесывать волосы
put (put; put) on – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) ɒn] – надевать
hat – [hæt] – шляпа

Then he sat down with a kind, but sad, expression on his face, and he tried to hide his feet.

sit (sat; sat) down – [sɪt (sæt; sæt) daʊn] – сесть
kind – [kaɪnd] – добрый, любезный, доброжелательный
sad – [sæd] – грустный
expression – [ɪkˈspreʃn̩] – выражение
face – [feɪs] – лицо
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться
hide (hid; hidden) – [haɪd (hɪd; ˈhɪdn̩)] – прятаться
foot (feet) – [fʊt (fi:t)] – нога (ноги)

My first idea was that he had seen a girl that he knew, and I looked round to see who it was.

first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
idea – [aɪˈdɪə] – мысль
see (saw, seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
girl – [ɡɜ:l] – девушка
know (knew, known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
look round – [lʊk ˈraʊnd] – осмотреться; оглядеться

Everybody in the lock had stopped moving and they all had fixed expressions on their faces.

lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
stop – [stɒp] – переставать
move – [mu:v] – двигаться
fixed – [fɪkst] – неподвижный
expression – [ɪkˈspreʃn̩] – выражение
face – [feɪs] – лицо

All the girls were smiling prettily, and all the men were trying to look brave and handsome.

girl – [ɡɜ:l] – девушка
smile – [smaɪl] – улыбаться
prettily – [ˈprɪtɪli] – мило, изящно
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться
look – [ˈlʊk] – выглядеть
brave – [breɪv] – храбрый, смелый
handsome – [ˈhænsəm] – красивый

Then I saw the photographer and at once I understood. I wondered if I would be in time.

see (saw, seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
photographer – [fəˈtɒɡrəfə] – фотограф
at once – [ət wʌns] – сразу
understand (understood, understood) – [ˌʌndəˈstænd (ˌʌndəˈstʊd, ˌʌndəˈstʊd)] – понимать
wonder – [ˈwʌndə] – задаваться вопросом, хотеть знать
be in time – [bi ɪn ˈtaɪm] – успевать

Our boat was the first one in the lock, so I must look nice for the man’s photograph.

boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
must – [mʌst] – должен
look – [ˈlʊk] – выглядеть
nice – [naɪs] – приятный; хороший; славный
photograph – [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотография

So I turned round quickly and stood in the front of the boat.

turn round – [tɜ:n ˈraʊnd] – поворачиваться
quickly – [ˈkwɪkli] – быстро
stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – стоять
in front of – [ɪn ðə frʌnt ɒv] – впереди
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

I arranged my hair carefully, and I tried to make myself look strong and interesting.

arrange – [əˈreɪndʒ] – привести в порядок
hair – [heə] – волосы
carefully – [ˈkeəfəli] – тщательно
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться, пробовать
make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать
look – [ˈlʊk] – выглядеть
strong – [strɒŋ] – сильный
interesting – [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] – интересный

We stood and waited for the important moment when the man would actually take the photograph.

stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – стоять
wait – [weɪt] – ждать
important – [ɪmˈpɔ:tnt] – важный, знаменательный
moment – [ˈməʊmənt] – миг; мгновение; момент
actually – [ˈæktʃuəli] – на самом деле, действительно
take (took; taken) a photograph – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən) ə ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотографировать

Just then, someone behind me called out, ‘Hi! Look at your nose!’

just then – [dʒəst ðen] – в этот момент
behind – [bɪˈhaɪnd] – позади
call out – [kɔ:l aʊt] – выкрикнуть
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на
nose – [nəʊz] – нос

I could not turn round to see whose nose it was, but I had a quick look at George’s nose.

turn round – [tɜ:n ˈraʊnd] – поворачиваться
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
nose – [nəʊz] – нос
quick – [kwɪk] – быстрый
look – [ˈlʊk] – взгляд

It seemed to be all right. I tried to look at my own nose, and that seemed to be all right, too.

seem – [si:m] – казаться, выглядеть
all right – [ɔ:l raɪt] – в порядке
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться, пробовать
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на
nose – [nəʊz] – нос

‘Look at your nose, you stupid fool!’ the voice cried again, more loudly this time.

look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на
nose – [nəʊz] – нос
stupid – [ˈstju:pɪd] – глупый, тупой
fool – [fu:l] – дурак, идиот
voice – [vɔɪs] – голос
cry (cried) – [kraɪ (kraɪd)] – восклицать, кричать
loudly – [ˈlaʊdli] – громко

And then another voice called, ‘Push your nose out! You two, with the dog!’

voice – [vɔɪs] – голос
call – [kɔ:l] – закричать; окликать
push out – [pʊʃ aʊt] – вытолкнуть
nose – [nəʊz] – нос
dog – [dɒɡ] – собака

We could not turn round because the man was just going to take the photograph.

turn round – [tɜ:n ˈraʊnd] – поворачиваться; оборачиваться
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; оттого что; так как
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
take (took; taken) a photograph – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən) ə ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотографировать

Was it us they were calling to? What was the matter with our noses? Why did they want us to push them out?

call – [kɔ:l] – окликать; звать
matter – [ˈmætə] – неприятность, причина
nose – [nəʊz] – нос
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
push out – [pʊʃ aʊt] – вытолкнуть

But now everybody in the lock started shouting, and a very loud, deep voice from the back called, ‘Look at your boat!

lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
start – [stɑ:t] – начинать
shout – [ʃaʊt] – кричать, выкрикивать
loud – [laʊd] – громкий
deep – [di:p] – низкий (о звуке)
voice – [vɔɪs] – голос
from the back – [frəm ðə ˈbæk] – сзади
call – [kɔ:l] – кричать; звать
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

You, in the red and black caps! If you don’t do something quickly, there’ll be two dead bodies in that photograph!’

red – [red] – красный
black – [blæk] – черный
cap – [kæp] – кепка
do\does (did; done) – [dʊ\dʌz (dɪd; dʌn)] – делать
quickly – [ˈkwɪkli] – быстро
dead – [ded] – мертвый
body – [ˈbɒdi] – тело
photograph – [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотография

We looked then, and we saw that the nose of our boat was caught in the wooden gate at the front of the lock.

look – [ˈlʊk] – смотреть
see (saw, seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
nose – [nəʊz] – нос
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
catch (caught, caught) – [kætʃ (ˈkɔ:t, ˈkɔ:t)] – ловить, поймать
caught – [ˈkɔ:t] – пойманный
wooden – [ˈwʊdn̩] – деревянный
gate – [ɡeɪt] – ворота
at the front of – [ət ðə frʌnt ɒv] – спереди
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз

The water was rising, and our boat was beginning to turn over. Quickly, we pushed hard against the side of the lock, to move the boat.

water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
rise (rose; risen) – [raɪz (rəʊz; ˈrɪzn̩)] – подниматься; прибывать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
turn over – [tɜ:n ˈəʊvə] – опрокидываться, переворачиваться
quickly – [ˈkwɪkli] – быстро
push – [pʊʃ] – толкать
hard – [hɑ:d] – усердно, усиленно
against – [əˈɡenst] – по; на
side – [saɪd] – бок, край, сторона
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
move – [mu:v] – двигать

The boat did move, and George and I fell over on our backs.

boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
move – [mu:v] – двигаться
fall (fell, fallen) over – [fɔ:l (fel; ˈfɔ:lən) ˈəʊvə] – падать, опрокидываться
back – [ˈbæk] – спина

We did not come out well in that photograph because the man took it just as we fell over.

come (came; come) out – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm) ˈaʊt] – выходить
well (better; best) – [wel (ˈbetə; best)] – хорошо (лучше; самое лучшее)
photograph – [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотография
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; оттого что; так как
take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – снимать; фотографировать
fall (fell, fallen) over – [fɔ:l (fel; ˈfɔ:lən) ˈəʊvə] – падать, опрокидываться

We had expressions of ‘Where am I?’ and ‘What’s happened?’ on our faces, and we were waving our feet about wildly.

expression – [ɪkˈspreʃn̩] – выражение
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться
face – [feɪs] – лицо
wave – [weɪv] – махать
foot (feet) – [fʊt (fi:t)] – нога (ноги)
wildly – [ˈwaɪldli] – дико, бесконтрольно

In fact, out feet nearly filled the photograph. You could not see much else.

in fact – [ɪn fækt] – более того, к тому же, в действительности
foot (feet) – [fʊt (fi:t)] – нога (ноги)
nearly – [ˈnɪəli] – почти
fill – [fɪl] – заполнять
photograph – [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотография
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
else – [ˈels] – еще

Nobody bought the photographs. They said they did not want photographs of our feet. The photographer was not very pleased…

buy (bought, bought) – [baɪ (ˈbɔ:t, ˈbɔ:t)] – покупать
photograph – [ˈfəʊtəɡrɑ:f] – фотография
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
foot (feet) – [fʊt (fi:t)] – нога (ноги)
photographer – [fəˈtɒɡrəfə] – фотограф
pleased – [pli:zd] – довольный

We passed Wallingford and Dorchester, and we spent the night at Clifton Hampden, which is a very pretty little village.

pass – [pɑ:s] – проходить мимо
spend (spent, spent) – [spend (spent, spent)] – проводить
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь
which – [wɪtʃ] – который, каковой
pretty – [ˈprɪti] – приятный, прелестный, замечательный
village – [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] – деревня, поселение

The next morning we were up early, because we wanted to be in Oxford by the afternoon.

next – [nekst] – следующий
morning – [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] – утро
be up – [bi ʌp] – встать; подняться
early – [ˈɜ:li] – рано
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; оттого что; так как
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
afternoon – [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] – послеобеденное время до заката; день

By half past eight we had finished breakfast and we were through Clifton lock. At half past twelve we went through Iffley lock.

half past eight – [hɑ:f pɑ:st eɪt] – половина девятого; половина после восьми (дословно)
finish – [ˈfɪnɪʃ] – закончить; завершить
breakfast – [ˈbrekfəst] – завтрак
through – [θru:] – через, сквозь
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
half past twelve – [hɑ:f pɑ:st twelv] – половина первого; половина после двенадцати
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти, проходить

From there to Oxford is the most difficult part of the river.

difficult – [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] – сложный, трудный
part – [pɑ:t] – часть
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река

First the river carries you to the right, then to the left; then it takes you out into the middle and turns you round three times.

first – [ˈfɜ:st] – сначала
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
carry – [ˈkæri] – нести
to the right – [tə ðə raɪt] – направо
to the left – [tə ðə left] – налево
take (took; taken) out – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən) aʊt] – выносить
middle – [ˈmɪdl̩] – середина
turn round – [tɜ:n ˈraʊnd] – повернуть на 180 градусов; поворачивать кругом
time – [ˈtaɪm] – раз

We got in the way of a lot of other boats; a lot of other boats got in our way – and a lot of bad words were used.

get (got; got) in the way – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ɪn ðə ˈweɪ] – стоять на пути; загораживать дорогу; мешать
a lot of – [ə lɒt ɒv] – много
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
word – [ˈwɜ:d] – слово
use – [ˈjuːz] – использовать
used – [ˈju:sd] – использованный

However, at Oxford we had two good days. There are a lot of dogs in the town.

however – [haʊˈevə] – тем не менее, однако
have\has (had; had) – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd)] – иметь
good (better; best) – [ɡʊd (ˈbetə; best)] – хороший (лучше; самый лучший)
a lot of – [ə lɒt ɒv] – много
dog – [dɒɡ] – собака
town – [taʊn] – город

Montmorency had eleven fights on the first day and fourteen on the second. This made him very happy.

have\has (had; had) – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd)] – иметь
eleven – [ɪˈlevn̩] – 11
fight – [faɪt] – драка
first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
fourteen – [ˌfɔ:ˈti:n] – 14
second – [ˈsekənd] – второй
make (made, made) happy – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd, ˈmeɪd) ˈhæpi] – осчастливить; поднять настроение
make (made, made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd, ˈmeɪd)] – делать, сделать
happy – [ˈhæpi] – счастливый; довольный

If you are thinking of taking a trip on the river, and you are going to start from Oxford, take your own boat (unless you can take someone else’s without being discovered).

think (thought; thought) –θɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t; ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
take (took; taken) a trip – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən) ə trɪp] – предпринять поездку; проехаться
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
start – [stɑ:t] – отправляться
take (took; taken) – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən)] – брать; взять; использовать транспорт
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
unless – [ənˈles] – за исключением
discovered – [dɪˈskʌvəd] – узнанный; обнаруженный

The boats that you can hire on the Thames above Marlow are all right: they do not let too much water in, and they have seats and things.

boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
hire – [ˈhaɪə] – нанять, взять напрокат
Thames – [ˈtemz] – Темза
all right – [ɔ:l raɪt] – в порядке
let (let; let) in – [let (let; let) ɪn] – впустить
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
seat – [si:t] – сиденье
and things – [ənd ˈθɪŋz] – и всё остальное

But they are not really boats which you want people to see.

really – [ˈrɪəli] – действительно; на самом деле
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
which – [wɪtʃ] – который
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть

The person who hires one of these boats is the kind of person who likes to stay under the trees.

person – [ˈpɜ:sn̩] – человек
hire – [ˈhaɪə] – нанять, взять напрокат
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
kind – [kaɪnd] – род, вид, сорт
like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
stay – [steɪ] – оставаться
under – [ˈʌndər] – под
tree – [tri:] – дерево

He likes to travel early in the morning or late at night, when there are not many people about to look at him.

like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
travel – [ˈtrævl̩] – путешествовать, двигаться
early – [ˈɜ:li] – рано
in the morning – [ɪn ðə ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] – утром
late – [leɪt] – поздно
at night – [ət naɪt] – ночью
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на

When he sees someone he knows, he gets out of the boat and hides behind a tree.

see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
get (got; got) out of – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) aʊt ɒv] – вылезти из
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
hide (hid; hidden) – [haɪd (hɪd; ˈhɪdn̩)] – прятаться
behind – [bɪˈhaɪnd] – за
tree – [tri:] – дерево

I remember that some friends and I hired one of these boats one summer…

remember – [rɪˈmembə] – вспоминать
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
hire – [ˈhaɪə] – нанять, взять напрокат
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
summer – [ˈsʌmə] – лето

We had written to ask for a boat, and, when we arrived at the boathouse, we gave our names.

write (wrote, written) – [ˈraɪt (rəʊt, ˈrɪtn̩)] – писать
ask – [ɑ:sk] – запрашивать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
arrive – [əˈraɪv] – прибыть
boathouse – [ˈbəʊthaʊs] – эллинг для лодок
give (gave; given) name – [ɡɪv (ɡeɪv; ɡɪvn̩) ˈneɪm] – называть имя; сообщить имя

The man said, ‘Oh, yes.’ And then he called out to another man, ‘Jim, fetch “The Queen of the Thames”.’

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
call out – [kɔ:l aʊt] – окликать
fetch – [fetʃ] – сходить за
Queen – [kwi:n] – королева
Thames – [ˈtemz] – Темза

Five minutes later, Jim came back with a very old piece of wood.

minute – [ˈmɪnɪt] – минута
later – [ˈleɪtə] – спустя
come (came; come) back – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm) ˈbæk] – возвращаться, вернуться
old – [əʊld] – старый
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
wood – [wʊd] – дерево, древесина

He had clearly just dug it up from a hole in the ground. When he dug it up, he had damaged it very badly.

clearly – [ˈklɪəli] – очевидно, несомненно
dig (dug, dug) up – [dɪɡ (dʌɡ, dʌɡ) ʌp] – откопать, вырыть
hole – [həʊl] – яма, дыра
ground – [ɡraʊnd] – почва, земля
damage – [ˈdæmɪdʒ] – портить, повреждать
badly – [ˈbædli] – очень сильно

We asked Jim what it was.
‘It’s “The Queen of the Thames”,’ he answered.

ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать
Queen – [kwi:n] – королева
Thames – [ˈtemz] – Темза
answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать

We laughed at this, and then one of us said, ‘All right. Now go and fetch the real boat.’ They said that this was the real boat…

laugh – [lɑ:f] – смеяться
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
all right – [ɔ:l raɪt] – хорошо; ладно
go (went; gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn)] – идти; отправляться
fetch – [fetʃ] – сходить за
real – [rɪəl] – настоящий
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

Глава 14 


Глава 16