"Could Be Anything" песня из первого альбома "The Second EP" 2004 года группы The Eames Era. Прозвучала в сериале Анатомия страсти.



Текст песни The Eames Era - Could Be Anything

Run along, run a long way to find a one
Find a one who could turn you on
Underneath a cloudless sun
I certainly hope that you are happy
With your new change of company
Surrounded by your enemies
Can't you see if I could be anything I want to be I would be you, see,
Can't you see if I could be anything
And if you say everything will want to go your way
I will turn you away as easily as I turned you into me
Run along, run a long way to find a one
Find a one who could turn you on
Underneath a cloudless sun
I certainly hope that you are happy
With your new change of company
Surrounded by your enemies
If you say everything will want to go your way
I will turn you away as easily as I turned you into me
And can't you see if I could be anything I want to be I would be you, see,
Can't you see if I could be anything
Oh, oh, there's a lot of things I could say to make you understand
I don't have time to explain
Can't you see if I could be anything I want to be I would be you, see,
Can't you see if I could be anything
And if you say everything will want to go your way
I will turn you away as easily as I turned you into me
And can't you see if I could be anything I want to be I would be you, see,
If I could be

Перевод незнакомых слов
along – [əˈlɒŋ] – вперед, где-то
long – [ˈlɒŋ] – длинный
find – [faɪnd] – найти
turn on – [tɜ:n ɒn] – зажечь, пробудить интерес
underneath – [ˌʌndəˈni:θ] – под
cloudless – [ˈklaʊdləs] – безоблачный, ясный
certainly – [ˈsɜ:tnli] – конечно, разумеется
hope – [həʊp] – надеяться
change – [tʃeɪndʒ] – замена, перемена
surrounded – [səˈraʊndɪd] – окруженный
enemy – [ˈenəmi] – враг
turn away – [tɜ:n əˈweɪ] – отказать, отворачиваться
easily – [ˈi:zəli] – легко
explain – [ɪkˈspleɪn] – объяснять