- Hello? Yes.

- Here, Mr. Bilbo, where are you off to?
- Can't stop, I'm already late!
- Late for what?
- I'm going on an adventure!

1) be off – [bi ɒf] – уходить; отправляться
1) already – [ɔ:lˈredi] – уже
1) late – [ˈleɪt] – опоздавший
3) adventure – [ədˈventʃə] – приключение

- I said it. Didn't I say it? Coming here was a waste of time.
- That's true enough.
- Ridiculous notion. Use a Hobbit? A Halfling?
- Whose idea was it anyway?

1) say (said; said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed; ˈsed)] – сказать; говорить
2) waste – [ˈweɪst] – пустая трата
1) true enough – [tru: ɪˈnʌf] – верно
3) ridiculous – [rɪˈdɪkjʊləs] – нелепый; глупый
2) notion – [nəʊʃən] – намерение; идея
1) use – [ˈju:z] – использовать
5) halfling – [ˈhɑ:flɪŋ] – полурослик 

- Wait! Wait! I signed it. Here.
- Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.
- Give him a pony.

2) sign – [ˈsaɪn] – подписывать
1) appear – [əˈpɪə] – являться; казаться
1) in order – [ɪn ˈɔ:də] – в порядке
2) welcome – [ˈwelkəm] – добро пожаловать
5) oaken – [ˈəʊkən] – дубовый; крепкий; мощный
3) shield – [ʃi:ld] – щит
4) pony – [ˈpəʊnɪ] – пони

- No, no, that won't be necessary. Thank you. I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frogmorton once. Aah!

1) necessary – [ˈnesɪsərɪ] – необходимый
1) sure – [ʃʊə\ ʃɔ:] – уверенный
1) keep (kept; kept) up – [ˈki:p (kept; kept) ʌp] – не отставать
2) on foot – [ɒn fʊt] – пешком
2) fair share – [feə ʃeə] – львиная доля
2) walking holiday – [wɔ:kɪŋ hɒlɪdeɪ] – поход; турпоход
1) as far as – [əz ˈfɑ:r æz] – до

- Come on, Nori. Pay up.
- One more.
- Thanks, lad.
- What's that about?
- Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't.
- And what did you think?
- Well… My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second.

1) pay (paid; paid) up – [ˈpeɪ (peɪd; peɪd) ˈʌp] – расплачиваться; полностью оплатить
3) lad – [læd] – парень
1) take (took; taken) – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən)] – принимать (ставки)
4) wager – [ˈweɪdʒə] – ставка; пари
1) turn up – [tɜ:n ʌp] – объявляться; явиться
3) bet – [bet] – держать пари; ставить
2) fellow – [ˈfeləʊ] – товарищ; человек
2) doubt – [ˈdaʊt] – сомневаться

- It's horse hair. Having a reaction. No, wait, wait, stop. Stop! We have to turn around.
- What on earth is the matter?
- I forgot my handkerchief.
- Here. Use this.
- Move on.

2) horse hair – [hɔ:s heə] – конский волос
2) reaction –  [rɪˈækʃən̩] – реакция
1) turn around – [tɜ:n əˈraʊnd] – поворачивать назад
2) What on Earth …? – [ˈwɒt ɒn ɜ:θ] – что именно?
2) Earth – [ɜ:θ] – Земля
1) matter – [ˈmætə] – неприятность; трудность
2) forget (forgot; forgotten) – [fəˈɡet (fəˈɡɒt; fəˈɡɒtn̩)] – забывать
3) handkerchief – [ˈhæŋkətʃɪf] – носовой платок
1) use – [ˈju:z] – использовать; воспользоваться
1) move on – [mu:v ɒn] – двигаться вперед; идти дальше

- You'll have to manage without pocket handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end.

2) manage – [ˈmænɪdʒ] – обходиться; справляться
5) pocket handkerchief – [ˌpɒkɪtˈhæŋkətʃɪf] – носовой платок
2) reach – [ri:tʃ] – достичь; добраться
2) journey – [ˈdʒɜ:nɪ] – путешествие; поездка

- You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire. But home is now behind you. The world is ahead.

2) bear (bore; born/ borne) – [beə (bɔ:; bɔ:n/bɔ:n)] – рождать
2) born – [bɔ:n] – рожденный
3) rolling – [rəʊlɪŋ] – покатые; пологие
2) hill – [hɪl] – холм
2) river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
4) shire – [ˈʃaɪə] – графство (устар.)
1) world – [wɜ:ld] – мир
2) ahead – [əˈhed] – впереди

Часть 08


 Часть 10