chapter – [ˈtʃæptə] – глава
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
tinned fruit – [ˈtɪnd fru:t] – консервированные фрукты

After breakfast I was sitting by the river, and thinking, when George said, ‘Perhaps, when you’ve rested enough, you could help to wash the plates and things.’

breakfast – [ˈbrekfəst] – завтрак
sit (sat; sat) – [sɪt (sæt; sæt)] – сидеть
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
think (thought; thought) –θɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t; ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
perhaps – [pəˈhæps] – может быть, возможно
rest – [rest] – отдыхать
enough – [ɪˈnʌf] – достаточно
help – [ˈhelp] – помогать
wash – [wɒʃ] – мыть
plate – [pleɪt] – тарелка
and things – [ənd ˈθɪŋz] – и всё остальное

So I cleaned the pan with some wood and grass – and George’s wet shirt.

clean – [kli:n] – очищать, вычищать
pan – [pæn] – сковородка
wood – [wʊd] – дерево, древесина
grass – [ɡrɑ:s] – трава
wet – [wet] – мокрый
shirt – [ʃɜ:t] – рубашка

Then we started to move up the river again, past Old Windsor, which is very pretty.

start – [stɑ:t] – начинать
move – [mu:v] – двигаться
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
past – [pɑ:st] – мимо
which – [wɪtʃ] – который
pretty – [ˈprɪti] – красивый

After that, the river is not very interesting until you get to Boveney. George and I were towing the boat then.

river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
interesting – [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] – интересный
until – [ʌnˈtɪl] – до, пока, до тех пор пока
get (got; got) to – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) tu:] – добираться до
tow – [təʊ] – тащить, тянуть, буксировать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

As we were passing Datcher, George asked me if I remembered our first trip up the river.

pass – [pɑ:s] – проходить мимо
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать
remember – [rɪˈmembə] – помнить
first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
trip – [trɪp] – путешествие, поездка
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река

On that trip we reached Datchet at ten o’clock at night. All we wanted to do was to eat and go to bed.

trip – [trɪp] – путешествие, поездка
reach – [ri:tʃ] – достичь, добраться
o’clock (сокращение от ‘of the clock’) – [əˈklɒk] – на часах; часов
at night – [ət naɪt] – ночью
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
eat (ate; eaten) – [i:t (et; ˈi:tn̩)] – есть
go (went; gone) to bed – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) tə bed] – ложиться спать

I replied, ‘Yes, I do remember it.’ I remember it well. In fact, it will be some time before I forget it…

reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать
remember – [rɪˈmembə] – помнить
well (better; best) – [wel (ˈbetə; best)] – хорошо (лучше; самое лучшее)
in fact – [ɪn fækt] – более того, к тому же, в действительности
time – [ˈtaɪm] – время
forget (forgot; forgotten) – [fəˈɡet (fəˈɡɒt; fəˈɡɒtn̩)] – забывать

It was one Saturday in August. There was George, and Harris, and me. We were tired and hungry.

Saturday – [ˈsætədeɪ] – Суббота
August – [ˈɔ:ɡəst] – Август
tired – [ˈtaɪəd] – уставший
hungry – [ˈhʌŋɡri] – голодный

When we got to Datcher, we took out of the boat the basket of food, the two bags, and the coats and things.

get (got; got) to – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) tu:] – добираться до
take (took; taken) out – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən) aʊt] – вынимать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
basket – [ˈbɑ:skɪt] – корзина
food – [ˈfu:d] – еда
bag – [bæɡ] – сумка
coat – [ˈkəʊt] – пиджак, пальто
and things – [ənd ˈθɪŋz] – и всё остальное; и другое; и тому подобное

Then we began to look for somewhere to stay. We passed a very pretty little hotel, but there were no roses round the door.

begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
look for – [lʊk fɔ:] – искать
stay – [steɪ] – остановиться
pass – [pɑ:s] – проходить мимо
pretty – [ˈprɪti] – красивый; прелестный
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
rose – [rəʊz] – роза
round – [ˈraʊnd] – вокруг; около
door – [dɔ:] – дверь

I wanted somewhere with roses round the door. I do not know why.

want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
rose – [rəʊz] – роза
round – [ˈraʊnd] – вокруг; около
door – [dɔ:] – дверь
know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать

Anyway, I said, ‘Oh, we don’t want to go there. Let’s look for a little hotel with roses round the door.’

anyway – [ˈeniweɪ] – так или иначе, как бы то ни было
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
go (went; gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn)] – идти; отправляться; направляться
let’s – [lets] – давайте
look for – [lʊk fɔ:] – искать
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
rose – [rəʊz] – роза
round – [ˈraʊnd] – вокруг; около
door – [dɔ:] – дверь

So we went on until we came to another hotel. That was a very nice one, too, and it did have roses.

go (went; gone) on – [ɡəʊ ˈ(went; ɡɒn) ɒn] – продолжать; идти дальше
until – [ʌnˈtɪl] – до, пока, до тех пор пока
come (came, come) – [kʌm (keɪm, kʌm)] – прийти, доходить, достигать
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
nice – [naɪs] – приятный; милый; хороший
rose – [rəʊz] – роза

But Harris did not like the man who was standing by the front door. Harris said that he did not look like a nice man, and he was wearing ugly boots.

like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – стоять
front door – [frʌnt dɔ:] – парадная дверь
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
look like – [lʊk ˈlaɪk] – выглядеть как; быть похожим
nice – [naɪs] – приятный; хороший; славный
wear (wore; worn) – [weə (wɔ:, wɔ:n)] – носить, быть одетым
ugly – [ˈʌɡli] – уродливый, безобразный
boots – [bu:ts] – ботинки

So we went on. We walked for some time, but we did not see any more hotels. Then we met a man and we decided to ask him.

go (went; gone) on – [ɡəʊ ˈ(went; ɡɒn) ɒn] – продолжать; идти дальше
walk – [wɔ:k] – идти пешком
for some time – [fə səm ˈtaɪm] – в течение некоторого времени
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
meet (met, met) – [mi:t (met, met)] – встречать
decide – [dɪˈsaɪd] – решить
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать

‘Excuse me, do you know any nice little hotels near here?’ we said.

excuse me – [ɪkˈskju:z mi:] – извините
know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
nice – [naɪs] – приятный; хороший; славный
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
near here – [nɪə hɪə] – поблизости
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить

‘Well,’ he said, ‘you’re coming away from them. Go back, and you’ll come to the Black Horse.’

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
come (came; come) away – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm) əˈweɪ] – уходить
go (went; gone) back – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) ˈbæk] – возвращаться
come (came; come) – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm)] – приходить
black – [blæk] – черный
horse – [hɔ:s] – конь, лошадь

We said, ‘Oh, we’ve been there, and we didn’t like it. There were no roses round the door.’

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
be\am\is\are (was\were; been) – [bi\æm\ɪz\ɑ: (wəz\wɜ:, bi:n)] – быть
like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
rose – [rəʊz] – роза
round – [ˈraʊnd] – вокруг; около
door – [dɔ:] – дверь

‘Well, then,’ he said, ‘there’s the Travellers’ Rest just beyond it. Have you tried that?’

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
traveller – [ˈtrævlə] – путешественник, путник
rest – [rest] – привал, отдых, покой
beyond – [bɪˈjɒnd] – за, после
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пробовать

Harris replied that we did not want to go there. We did not like the man who was staying there.

reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
go (went; gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn)] – идти
like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
stay – [steɪ] – оставаться, останавливаться

Harris did not like the colour of his hair. He did not like his boots either.

like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
colour – [ˈkʌlə] – цвет
hair – [heə] – волосы
boots – [bu:ts] – ботинки
either – [ˈaɪðə\ˈi:ðər] – также

‘Well, I don’t know what you’re going to do, then,’ the man answered, ‘because they are the only two hotels here.’

know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; так как
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница

‘No other hotels!’ Harris cried.
‘None,’ the man replied.
‘What are we going to do now?’ Harris asked.

no other – [nəʊ ˈʌðə] – никакой другой
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
cry (cried) – [kraɪ (kraɪd)] – восклицать, кричать
none – [nʌn] – ни одного
reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать

Then George spoke. He said, ‘You two can ask someone to build you a hotel. I’m going back to the Black Horse!’

speak (spoke, spoken) – [spi:k (spəʊk, ˈspəʊkən)] – говорить
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
ask – [ɑ:sk] – просить
build (built; built) – [bɪld (bɪlt; bɪlt)] – строить
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
go (went; gone) back – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) ˈbæk] – возвращаться
black – [blæk] – черный
horse – [hɔ:s] – конь, лошадь

So we went back to the Black Horse.
‘Good evening,’ the man at the desk said.

go (went; gone) back – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) ˈbæk] – возвращаться
black – [blæk] – черный
horse – [hɔ:s] – конь, лошадь
Good evening – [ɡʊd ˈi:vn̩ɪŋ] – Добрый вечер
desk – [desk] – стойка, рабочий стол
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить

‘Oh, good evening,’ George answered. ‘We want three beds, please.’
‘I’m sorry, sir,’ the man replied, ‘but we haven’t got three beds.’

good evening – [ɡʊd ˈi:vn̩ɪŋ] – Добрый вечер
answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать
want – [ˈwɒnt] – желать; требоваться
three – [θri:] – три
bed – [bed] – кровать
I’m sorry – [aɪm ˈsɒri] – мне жаль; увы; простите
reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать
have\has got – [həv\hæz ˈɡɒt] – иметь

‘Oh, well, it doesn’t matter – two beds, then. Two of us can sleep in one bed, can’t we?’ George continued. He looked at Harris and me.

matter – [ˈmætə] – иметь значение
bed – [bed] – кровать
sleep (slept; slept) – [sli:p (slept; slept)] – спать
continue – [kənˈtɪnju:] – продолжать
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на

Harris said, ‘Oh, yes.’ He thought that George and I could sleep in one bed very easily.

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
think (thought, thought) – [ˈθɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t, ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
can (could) – [kən (kʊd)] – мочь; быть в состоянии
sleep (slept; slept) – [sli:p (slept; slept)] – спать
bed – [bed] – кровать
easily – [ˈi:zəli] – легко

‘I’m very sorry, sir,’ the man repeated. ‘We haven’t got any beds. We’ve already got three men in one bed.’

I’m sorry – [aɪm ˈsɒri] – мне жаль; увы; простите
sir – [sɜ:] – сэр
repeat – [rɪˈpi:t] – повторить
have\has got – [həv\hæz ˈɡɒt] – иметь
bed – [bed] – кровать
already – [ɔ:lˈredi] – уже

We picked up our things, and we went over to the Travellers’ Rest. It was a pretty little place.

pick up – [pɪk ʌp] – подобрать, собрать
thing – [ˈθɪŋ] – вещь
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти
traveller – [ˈtrævlə] – путешественник, путник
rest – [rest] – привал, отдых, покой
pretty – [ˈprɪti] – приятный, прелестный, замечательный
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
place – [ˈpleɪs] – место

I said I thought it was better than the other hotel. Harris said it would be all right. We would not look at the man with red hair and ugly boots.

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
think (thought, thought) – [ˈθɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t, ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
good (better; best) – [ɡʊd (ˈbetə; best)] – хороший (лучше; самый лучший)
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
all right – [ɔ:l raɪt] – хорошо
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на
red – [red] – рыжий
hair – [heə] – волосы
ugly – [ˈʌɡli] – уродливый, безобразный
boots – [bu:ts] – ботинки

The people at the Travellers’ Rest did not wait to hear what we wanted.

people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
traveller – [ˈtrævlə] – путешественник, путник
rest – [rest] – привал, отдых, покой
wait – [weɪt] – ждать
hear (heard; heard) – [hɪə (hɜ:d; hɜ:d)] – слышать
want – [ˈwɒnt] – желать; требоваться

The lady at the desk said she had already sent away fourteen people.

lady – [ˈleɪdi] – леди
desk – [desk] – стойка, рабочий стол
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
already – [ɔ:lˈredi] – уже
send (sent, sent) away – [send (sent, sent) əˈweɪ] – отослать
fourteen – [ˌfɔ:ˈti:n] – 14
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди

There was no room of any kind. We asked her if she knew somewhere we could spend the night. She said there was a little house along the road…

room – [ru:m] – комната; номер
kind – [kaɪnd] – род, вид, сорт
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать
know (knew, known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
spend (spent, spent) – [spend (spent, spent)] – проводить
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
house – [ˈhaʊs] – дом
along – [əˈlɒŋ] – вдоль, по
road – [rəʊd] – дорога

We did not wait. We picked up the basket, the bags and the coats, and we ran along the road.

wait – [weɪt] – ждать
pick up – [pɪk ʌp] – подобрать, собрать, поднимать
basket – [ˈbɑ:skɪt] – корзина
bag – [bæɡ] – сумка
coat – [ˈkəʊt] – пиджак, пальто
run (ran, run) – [rʌn (ræn, rʌn)] – бежать
along – [əˈlɒŋ] – вдоль, по
road – [rəʊd] – дорога

The people there laughed at us. There were only three beds in the house, and there were seven men there already.

people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
laugh at – [lɑ:f æt] – смеяться над
bed – [bed] – кровать
house – [ˈhaʊs] – дом
seven – [ˈsevn̩] – семь
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
already – [ɔ:lˈredi] – уже

Someone said, ‘Why don’t you try the little shop next to the Black Horse?’

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пробовать
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
shop – [ʃɒp] – магазин
next to – [nekst tu:] – рядом с
black – [blæk] – черный
horse – [hɔ:s] – конь, лошадь

So we went back along the road, but there were no beds at the little shop. However, there was an old lady in the shop.

go (went; gone) back – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) ˈbæk] – возвращаться
along – [əˈlɒŋ] – вдоль, по
road – [rəʊd] – дорога
bed – [bed] – кровать
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
shop – [ʃɒp] – магазин
however – [haʊˈevə] – тем не менее, однако
old – [əʊld] – старый
lady – [ˈleɪdi] – леди

She said she had a friend who had some rooms. She added that she would take us there.

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
have\has (had; had) – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd)] – иметь
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
room – [ru:m] – комната; номер
add – [æd] – добавить
take (took; taken) – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən)] – отводить

The old woman walked very slowly, and it took us twenty minutes to get to her friend’s house.

old woman – [əʊld ˈwʊmən] – старушка; старая женщина
walk – [wɔ:k] – идти пешком
slowly – [ˈsləʊli] – медленно, потихоньку
take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – занимать; отнимать
twenty – [ˈtwenti] – двадцать
minute – [ˈmɪnɪt] – минута
get (got; got) to – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) tu:] – добираться до
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
house – [ˈhaʊs] – дом

During the walk, she told us about all the pains she had in her back. When we got there, there were already some people in her friend’s rooms.

during – [ˈdjʊərɪŋ] – во время, в течение
walk – [wɔ:k] – прогулка
tell (told, told) – [tel (təʊld, təʊld)] – рассказать
pain – [peɪn] – боль
back – [ˈbæk] – спина
get (got; got) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt)] – прийти; попасть
already – [ɔ:lˈredi] – уже
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
room – [ru:m] – комната; номер

From there we went to number 27. Number 27 was full. They sent us to number 32, and number 32 was full.

go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти
number – [ˈnʌmbə] – номер
full – [fʊl] – заполненный, полный
send (sent, sent) – [send (sent, sent)] – посылать, отправлять

Then we went back along the road. Suddenly Harris sat down on the basket. He said he was not going to move.

go (went, gone) back – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn) ˈbæk] – возвращаться
along – [əˈlɒŋ] – вдоль, по
road – [rəʊd] – дорога
suddenly – [sʌdn̩li] – вдруг, неожиданно
sit (sat; sat) down – [sɪt (sæt; sæt) daʊn] – сесть
basket – [ˈbɑ:skɪt] – корзина
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
move – [mu:v] – двигаться

He added that it seemed to be nice and quiet there, and he said that he would like to die there.

add – [æd] – добавить
seem – [si:m] – казаться, выглядеть
nice – [naɪs] – приятный; хороший; славный
quiet – [ˈkwaɪət] – спокойный, мирный, тихий
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
would like – [wʊd ˈlaɪk] – хотел бы
die – [daɪ] – умереть

Just then, a little boy came past. ‘Do you know any old people that we can frighten, so that they will give us their beds?’ we asked him.

just then – [dʒəst ðen] – в этот момент
little boy – [ˈlɪtl̩ ˌbɔɪ] – паренек; мальчишка
come (came, come) past – [kʌm (keɪm, kʌm) pɑ:st] – проходить мимо
know (knew, known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
old people – [əʊld ˈpi:pl̩] – старики; старые люди
frighten – [ˈfraɪtn̩] – напугать
give (gave; given) – [ɡɪv (ɡeɪv; ɡɪvn̩)] – отдавать
bed – [bed] – кровать
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать

‘No, I don’t,’ the boy answered, but he added that his mother would give us a room.

boy – [ˌbɔɪ] – мальчик
answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать
add – [æd] – добавить
mother – [ˈmʌðə] – мать
give (gave; given) – [ɡɪv (ɡeɪv; ɡɪvn̩)] – предоставить
room – [ru:m] – комната; номер

And that was where we spent the night – in two very short beds. After that, we were never quite so difficult about hotels…

spend (spent, spent) – [spend (spent, spent)] – проводить
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь
short – [ʃɔ:t] – короткий
bed – [bed] – кровать
after that – [ˈɑ:ftə ðæt] – после того
never – [ˈnevə] – никогда
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, в самом деле, очень
difficult – [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] – требовательный
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница

On our present trip, though, nothing exciting happened.

present – [prezent] – текущий, настоящий
trip – [trɪp] – путешествие, поездка
though – [ðəʊ] – однако, все же
exciting – [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] – захватывающий, увлекательный
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться

We continued slowly on our way, and we stopped for lunch near Monkey Island.

continue – [kənˈtɪnju:] – продолжать
slowly – [ˈsləʊli] – медленно, потихоньку
way – [ˈweɪ] – путь, дорога
stop – [stɒp] – останавливаться
lunch – [lʌntʃ] – ланч; обычный обед
monkey – [ˈmʌŋki] – обезьяна
island – [ˈaɪlənd] – остров

We decided to have cold meat for lunch. Then, after that, George brought out a tin of fruit. We love tinned fruit, all three of us.

decide – [dɪˈsaɪd] – решить
have\has (had; had) – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd)] – есть; иметь
cold – [kəʊld] – холодный
meat – [mi:t] – мясо
lunch – [lʌntʃ] – ланч; обычный обед
bring (brought, brought) out – [brɪŋ (ˈbrɔ:t, ˈbrɔ:t) ˈaʊt] – выставить
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
fruit – [fru:t] – фрукт (фрукты)
tinned fruit – [ˈtɪnd fru:t] – консервированные фрукты

We looked at the picture on the tin. We thought about the fruit. We imagined the taste of it. We smiled at each other, and Harris got out a spoon.

look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на
picture – [ˈpɪktʃə] – картинка
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
think (thought, thought) – [ˈθɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t, ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
fruit – [fru:t] – фрукт (фрукты)
imagine – [ɪˈmædʒɪn] – вообразить, представить
taste – [teɪst] – вкус
smile at – [smaɪl æt] – улыбаться кому-либо
each other – [i:tʃ ˈʌðə] – друг другу
get (got; got) out – [ˈɡet  (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) aʊt] – вынимать
spoon – [spu:n] – ложка

Then we looked for the tin-opener. We took everything out of the big basket. We took everything out of the bags.

look for – [lʊk fɔ:] – искать
tin-opener – [ˈtɪn əʊpənə] – консервный нож
take (took; taken) out of – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən) aʊt əv] – вынимать из
basket – [ˈbɑ:skɪt] – корзина
bag – [bæɡ] – сумка

There was no tin-opener. We pulled up the boards at the bottom of the boat.

tin-opener – [ˈtɪn əʊpənə] – консервный нож
pull up – [pʊl ʌp] – поднимать
board – [bɔ:d] – доска
bottom – [ˈbɒtəm] – дно
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

We put everything out on the grass by the river, and we shook everything. There was no tin-opener!

put (put; put) out – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) aʊt] – выложить
grass – [ɡrɑ:s] – трава
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
shake (shook, shaken) – [ʃeɪk (ʃʊk, ˈʃeɪkən)] – трясти, перетрясти
tin-opener – [ˈtɪn əʊpənə] – консервный нож

Then Harris tried to open the tin with a little knife, and he cut himself badly. George tried with some scissors.

try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться, пробовать
open – [ˈəʊpən] – открывать
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький (меньше; самое малое)
knife – [naɪf] – нож
cut (cut, cut) – [kʌt (kʌt, kʌt)] – порезать
badly – [ˈbædli] – очень сильно
scissors – [ˈsɪzəz] – ножницы

The scissors flew up, and nearly hit him in the eye. I tried to make a hole in the tin with the sharp end of a piece of metal.

scissors – [ˈsɪzəz] – ножницы
fly (flew; flown) up – [flaɪ (flu:, fləʊn) ʌp] – взлететь
nearly – [ˈnɪəli] – почти
hit (hit, hit) – [hɪt (hɪt, hɪt)] – ударить
eye – [aɪ] – глаз
try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться, пробовать
make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие, дыра
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
sharp – [ʃɑ:p] – острый
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
metal – [ˈmetl̩] – металл

But I missed. As a result, I fell in the water, and the tin flew away and broke a cup.

miss – [mɪs] – не попасть, промазать
as a result – [əz ə rɪˈzʌlt] – таким образом, в результате, в итоге
fall (fell, fallen) – [fɔ:l (fel, ˈfɔ:lən)] – падать
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
fly (flew; flown) away – [flaɪ (flu: , fləʊn) əˈweɪ] – улететь
break (broke, broken) – [breɪk (brəʊk, ˈbrəʊkən)] – разбивать
cup – [kʌp] – чашка

Then we all got angry. We took that tin, and we put it on the grass by the river. Harris went into a field and got a big, sharp stone.

get (got; got) angry – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈæŋɡri] – рассердиться
take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – брать, взять
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
put (put; put) – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt)] – класть; положить
grass – [ɡrɑ:s] – трава
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти, уйти
field – [fi:ld] – поле
get (got; got) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt)] – взять; доставать
sharp – [ʃɑ:p] – острый
stone – [stəʊn] – камень

I got a long, thick piece of wood. George held the tin, and Harris put the sharp end of his stone against the top of it.

get (got; got) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt)] – взять; доставать
long – [ˈlɒŋ] – длинный
thick – [θɪk] – толстый
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
wood – [wʊd] – дерево, древесина
hold (held, held) – [həʊld (held, held)] – держать
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
put (put; put) – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt)] – класть; положить
sharp – [ʃɑ:p] – острый
stone – [stəʊn] – камень
against – [əˈɡenst] – на
top – [tɒp] – верхушка; верх

I took the piece of wood, and held it high in the air. Then I brought it down as hard as I could.

take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – брать, взять
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
wood – [wʊd] – дерево, древесина
hold (held, held) – [həʊld (held, held)] – держать
high – [haɪ] – высоко
air – [eə] – воздух
bring (brought, brought) down – [brɪŋ (ˈbrɔ:t, ˈbrɔ:t) daʊn] – опускать
as … as – [əz … æz] – так … как
hard – [hɑ:d] – сильно
can (could) – [kən (kʊd)] – мочь

It was George’s hat that saved his life that day. He keeps that hat now.

hat – [hæt] – шляпа
save – [seɪv] – спасать
life (lives) – [laɪf (laɪvz)] – жизнь (жизни)
keep (kept; kept) – [ki:p (kept; kept)] – хранить

On a winter evening, when men are telling stories about the dangers they have known, George brings out his hat.

winter – [ˈwɪntə] – зимний
evening – [ˈi:vn̩ɪŋ] – вечер
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
tell (told; told) – [ˈtel (toʊld; toʊld)] – рассказать
story – [ˈstɔ:ri] – рассказ; история
danger – [ˈdeɪndʒə] – опасность
know (knew, known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
bring (brought; brought) out – [brɪŋ (ˈbrɔ:t; ˈbrɔ:t) ˈaʊt] – выносить
hat – [hæt] – шляпа

He shows it to his friends. Then he tells the story again – and he adds more details to it each time.

show (showed; shown) – [ˈʃoʊ (ʃoʊd; ˈʃoʊn)] – показать
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
tell (told; told) – [ˈtel (toʊld; toʊld)] – рассказать
story – [ˈstɔ:ri] – рассказ; история
add – [æd] – добавить
detail – [ˈdi:teɪl] – деталь
each time – [i:tʃ ˈtaɪm] – каждый раз

Harris was not hurt too badly. After that, I took the tin away. I beat it until I was exhausted and miserable. Then Harris took it.

hurt – [hɜ:t] – пострадавший; травмированный
badly – [ˈbædli] – очень сильно
take (took, taken) away – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən) əˈweɪ] – забирать
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
beat (beat, beaten) – [bi:t (bi:t, ˈbi:tn̩)] – колотить, ударять
until – [ʌnˈtɪl] – до, пока, до тех пор пока
exhausted – [ɪɡˈzɔ:stɪd] – измученный, изможденный
miserable – [ˈmɪzrəbl̩] – несчастный
take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – брать, взять

We beat it until it was long and thin. We beat it until it was square.

beat (beat, beaten) – [bi:t (bi:t, ˈbi:tn̩)] – колотить, бить
until – [ʌnˈtɪl] – до, пока, до тех пор пока
long – [ˈlɒŋ] – длинный
thin – [θɪn] – тонкий
square – [skweə] – прямоугольный, квадратный

We hit it with the wood until it was every shape there is - but we could not make a hole in it.

hit (hit, hit) – [hɪt (hɪt, hɪt)] – ударять, бить
wood – [wʊd] – дерево, древесина
until – [ʌnˈtɪl] – до, пока, до тех пор пока
shape – [ʃeɪp] – форма, вид
can (could) – [kən (kʊd)] – мочь; быть в состоянии
make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие, дыра

Then George tried, and he knocked it into a shape which was strange, and terrible, and ugly.

try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться, пробовать
knock – [nɒk] – бить, стучать, колотить
shape – [ʃeɪp] – форма, вид
which – [wɪtʃ] – который
strange – [streɪndʒ] – странный
terrible – [ˈterəbl̩] – жуткий, страшный, ужасный
ugly – [ˈʌɡli] – уродливый, безобразный

It frightened him, and he threw away the piece of wood. Then the three of us sat round that tin on the grass, and we looked at it.

frighten – [ˈfraɪtn̩] – напугать
throw (threw, thrown) away – θrəʊ (θru:, ˈθrəʊn) əˈweɪ] – отбросить; выбросить
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
wood – [wʊd] – дерево, древесина
sit (sat, sat) – [sɪt (sæt, sæt)] – сидеть
round – [ˈraʊnd] – вокруг
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
grass – [ɡrɑ:s] – трава
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на

There was one big line across the top of the tin that looked like a mouth. It seemed to be laughing at us, and this make us very angry.

line – [ˈlaɪn] – линия
across – [əˈkrɒs] – через
top – [tɒp] – верхушка; верх
tin – [ˈtɪn] – консервная банка
look like – [lʊk ˈlaɪk] – выглядеть как; быть похожим
mouth – [maʊθ] – рот
seem – [si:m] – казаться, выглядеть
laugh at – [lɑf æt] – смеяться над
make (made, made) angry – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd, ˈmeɪd) ˈæŋɡri] – злить; рассердить

So Harris ran at it, and picked it up. He threw it, as hard as he could, into the middle of the river.

run (ran, run) – [rʌn (ræn, rʌn)] – бежать
pick up – [pɪk ʌp] – поднимать
throw (threw, thrown) – θrəʊ (θru:, ˈθrəʊn)] – бросать
as … as – [əz … æz] – так … как
hard – [hɑ:d] – сильно
can (could) – [kən (kʊd)] – мочь; быть в состоянии
middle – [ˈmɪdl̩] – середина
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река

As it went down into the water, we shouted awful things at it.

go (went; gone) down – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) daʊn] – опуститься
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
shout – [ʃaʊt] – кричать
awful – [ˈɔ:fl̩] – ужасный, кошмарный, отвратительный
thing – [ˈθɪŋ] – вещь

Then we got into the boat, and we left that place, and did not stop until we reached Maidenhead.

get (got; got) into – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈɪntə] – садиться (в лодку)
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
leave (left, left) – [li:v (left, left)] – оставлять, уходить, покидать
place – [ˈpleɪs] – место
stop – [stɒp] – останавливаться
until – [ʌnˈtɪl] – до, пока, до тех пор пока
reach – [ri:tʃ] – достичь, добраться
maidenhead – [ˈmeɪdnhed] – непорочность, девственность, чистота

We went through Maidenhead quickly, but, after that, we travelled along more slowly.

go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти
through – [θru:] – через, сквозь
maidenhead – [ˈmeɪdnhed] – непорочность, девственность, чистота
quickly – [ˈkwɪkli] – быстро
travel – [ˈtrævl̩] – путешествовать; двигаться
along – [əˈlɒŋ] – вдоль; вперед
slowly – [ˈsləʊli] – медленно, потихоньку

We stopped for tea just before we got to Cookham. By the time we got through the lock it was evening.

stop – [stɒp] – останавливаться
tea – [ti:] – чай
just before – [dʒəst bɪˈfɔ:] – непосредственно перед тем как
get (got; got) to – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) tu:] – добираться до
by the time – [baɪ ðə ˈtaɪm] – к тому моменту, как
get (got; got) through – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) θru:] – проходить через
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
evening – [ˈi:vn̩ɪŋ] – вечер

It was a bit windy, and some had made a mistake because the wind was behind us. That does not usually happen.

a bit – [ə ˈbɪt] – немного
windy – [ˈwindi] – ветрено
make (made, made) mistake – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd, ˈmeɪd) mɪˈsteɪk] – ошибаться; совершать ошибку; допустить ошибку
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; оттого что; так как
wind – [wɪnd] – ветер
behind – [bɪˈhaɪnd] – позади
usually – [ˈju:ʒəli] – обычно
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться

But that afternoon the wind actually helped us on our way, and the boat moved quite fast.

afternoon – [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] – послеобеденное время до заката; днем; пополудни
wind – [wɪnd] – ветер
actually – [ˈæktʃuəli] – на самом деле, действительно
help – [ˈhelp] – помогать
way – [ˈweɪ] – путь, дорога
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
move – [mu:v] – двигаться
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, в самом деле, очень
fast – [fɑ:st] – быстро

There were no other people on the river, except for three old men. They were sitting in a boat, and they were fishing.

people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
except – [ɪkˈsept] – кроме, помимо
old man (men) – [əʊld mæn (men)] – дудушка; старик
sit (sat, sat) – [sɪt (sæt, sæt)] – сидеть
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
fish – [ˈfɪʃ] – ловить рыбу

As we got nearer, we could see that they were old. They were also quite serious, because they were watching their fishing-lines very carefully.

get (got; got) nearer – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈnɪərə] – становиться ближе; приблизиться
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
old – [əʊld] – старый
also – [ˈɔ:lsəʊ] – так же
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, в самом деле, очень
serious – [ˈsɪərɪəs] – серьезный
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; так как
watch – [wɒtʃ] – наблюдать
fishing-line – [ˈfɪʃɪŋ laɪn] – леска
carefully – [ˈkeəfəli] – внимательно

The sun was going down, and it threw a red light across the water.

sun – [sʌn] – солнце
go (went; gone) down – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn)  daʊn] – садиться (о солнце)
throw (threw, thrown) – θrəʊ (θru:, ˈθrəʊn)] – бросать
red – [red] – красный
light – [laɪt] – свет
across – [əˈkrɒs] – через; сквозь
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода

It was very beautiful, and we felt that we were sailing into some strange land.

beautiful – [ˈbju:təfl̩] – прекрасный, красивый
feel (felt, felt) – [fi:l (felt, felt)] – чувствовать, ощущать
sail – [seɪl] – плыть, идти под парусом
strange – [streɪndʒ] – странный; неизвестный
land – [lænd] – земля

We did not sail into some strange land. We went straight into that boat with the three old men in it.

sail – [seɪl] – плыть, идти под парусом
strange – [streɪndʒ] – странный; неизвестный
land – [lænd] – земля
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти; направляться
straight – [streɪt] – прямо
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
old man (men) – [əʊld mæn (men)] – дудушка; старик

At first, we did not know what had happened. But then, from the words which rose on the evening air, we understood that we were near people.

at first – [ət ˈfɜ:st] – сначала
know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться
word – [ˈwɜ:d] – слово
which – [wɪtʃ] – который
rise (rose, risen) – [raɪz (rəʊz, ˈrɪzn̩)] – взвиваться, усилиться, возвышаться, возникать
evening – [ˈi:vn̩ɪŋ] – вечерний
air – [eə] – воздух
understand (understood, understood) – [ˌʌndəˈstænd (ˌʌndəˈstʊd, ˌʌndəˈstʊd)] – понимать
near – [nɪə] – близко; возле; рядом
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди

We also understood that those people were not happy. We had knocked those three old men from their seats, and they were all lying on the bottom of their boat.

also – [ˈɔ:lsəʊ] – так же
understand (understood, understood) – [ˌʌndəˈstænd (ˌʌndəˈstʊd, ˌʌndəˈstʊd)] – понимать
people – [ˈpi:pl̩] – люди
happy – [ˈhæpi] – счастливый; довольный
knock – [nɒk] – сбить
old man (men) – [əʊld mæn (men)] – дудушка; старик
seat – [si:t] – сиденье
lie (lying) – [laɪ (ˈlaɪɪŋ)] – лежать
bottom – [ˈbɒtəm] – дно
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

They were trying to stand up and they were picking fish off themselves.

try (tried) – [traɪ (traɪd)] – пытаться, стараться, пробовать
stand (stood; stood) up – [stænd (stʊd; stʊd) ʌp] – встать
pick off – [pɪk ɒf] – снимать
fish – [fɪʃ] – рыба

As they worked, they shouted unkind things about us – not just the usual things, but special things about us, and about our families.

work (worked/wrought; worked/wrought) – [ˈwɜ:k (wɜ:kt/ˈrɔ:t; wɜ:kt/ˈrɔ:t)] – работать; заниматься; действовать
shout – [ʃaʊt] – кричать, выкрикивать
unkind – [ʌnˈkaɪnd] – злой, неприязненный
thing – [ˈθɪŋ] – вещь
usual – [ˈju:ʒʊəl] – обычный
special – [ˈspeʃl] – особый
family – [ˈfæməli] – семья

Harris called out, ‘You ought to be pleased that something so exciting has happened to you!’

call out – [kɔ:l aʊt] – закричать, крикнуть, выкрикнуть
ought to – [ɔ:t tu:] – следует
pleased – [pli:zd] – довольный
exciting – [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] – захватывающий, увлекательный
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться

He added that he was very unhappy to hear men of their age use those bad words.

add – [æd] – добавить
unhappy – [ʌnˈhæpi] – несчастный
hear (heard; heard) – [hɪə (hɜ:d; hɜ:d)] – слышать
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
age – [ˈeɪdʒ] – возраст
use – [ˈjuːz] – использовать
word – [ˈwɜ:d] – слово

But the three old men did not seem to agree with Harris.

old man (men) – [əʊld mæn (men)] – дудушка; старик
seem – [si:m] – казаться, выглядеть, думаться
agree – [əˈɡri:] – соглашаться

At Marlow we left the boat near the bridge, and we went to spend the night in a hotel.

leave (left, left) – [li:v (left, left)] – оставлять, уходить, покидать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
bridge – [brɪdʒ] – мост
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти; направляться
spend (spent, spent) – [spend (spent, spent)] – проводить
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница

Глава 10 


Глава 12