- Alice, things are... Things are bad again. Without Jake, I just... I can't stand it. I don't see Edward anymore. Will it really feel like he never existed? I will find the place where I can see him again.
stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – выдерживать, терпеть
exist – [ɪgˈzɪst] – существовать
find (found, found) – [faɪnd (faʊnd, faʊnd)] – найти
place – [ˈpleɪs] – место
- Bella.
- Laurent.
- I didn't expect to find you here. I went to visit the Cullens, but the house is empty. I’m surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?
- Yeah. You could say that.
expect – [ɪkˈspekt] – ожидать, предполагать
find (found, found) – [faɪnd (faʊnd, faʊnd)] – найти, обнаружить
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – пойти, направиться
empty – [ˈempti] – пустой
be surprised – [bi sərˈpraɪzd] – удивляться
leave (left, left) behind – [li:v (left, left) bɪˈhaɪnd] – оставлять позади; оставлять
sort of – [ˈsɔ:rt əv] – как бы, вроде бы
pet – [ˈpet] – домашнее животное, любимец, питомец
- Do the Cullens visit often?
- Lie.
- Yeah, absolutely, all the time.
- Lie better.
- I’ll tell them that you stopped by. But I probably shouldn't tell Edward, 'cause he's pretty protective.
often – [ˈɒfn] – часто
lie – [ˈlaɪ] – лгать, обманывать
absolutely – [ˌæbsəˈluːtli] – конечно, да, безусловно
good (better, best) – [ɡʊd (ˈbetə, best)] – хороший (лучше, самый лучший)
stop by – [stɒp baɪ] – заглядывать; заходить; заехать на минутку
probably – [ˈprɑ:bəbli] – вероятно
pretty – [ˈprɪti] – очень
protective – [prəˈtektɪv] – защищающий, охраняющий
- But he's far away, isn't he?
- Why are you here?
- I came as a favor to Victoria.
- Victoria?
- She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens.
far away – [ˈfɑ:r əˈweɪ] – далеко
come (came, come) – [kʌm (keɪm, kʌm)] – приходить
favor – [ˈfeɪvər] – любезность, услуга
still – [ˈstɪl] – всё ещё
protection – [prəˈtekʃn] – защита, охрана
- Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. An eye for an eye.
- Threaten him.
- Edward would know who did it. And he'd come after you.
fair – [ˈfer] – честно, справедливо
kill – [ˈkɪl] – убивать
mate – [ˈmeɪt] – партнер, подруга
given – [ɡɪvn̩] – учитывая; принимая во внимание
An eye for an eye – [ən ˈaɪ fər ən ˈaɪ] – око за око
threaten – θretn] – угрожать
come (came, come) after – [ˈkəm (keɪm, kʌm) ˈæftər] – искать, преследовать
- I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected? Victoria won't be happy about my killing you, but I can't help myself. You are so mouth-watering.
after all – [ˈæftər ˈɒl] – все же, в конце концов
mean (meant, meant) – [mi:n (ment, ment)] – значить
leave (left, left) – [li:v (left, left)] – оставлять
unprotected – [ˌʌnprəˈtektəd] – беззащитный
kill – [ˈkɪl] – убивать
can’t help – [kɑ:nt (kænt) help] – ничего не мочь поделать с ситуацией; не могу удержаться
mouth-watering – [ˈmaʊθ wɔ:rtərɪŋ] – аппетитный, слюнки текут
- Please, don't. I mean, you helped us.
- No, no, no, no. Don't be afraid. I’m doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully, whereas I’ll make it quick.
mean (meant, meant) – [mi:n (ment, ment)] – иметь в виду; хотеть сказать
be afraid – [bi əˈfreɪd] – бояться
kindness – [ˈkaɪndnəs] – доброта
slowly – [ˈsloʊli] – медленно
painfully – [ˈpeɪnfəli] – мучительно
whereas – [weˈræz] – тогда как, в то время как
quick – [kwɪk] – быстро
- I promise. You will feel nothing.
- Edward, I love you.
- I don't believe it.
promise – [ˈprɑ:məs] – обещать
believe – [bəˈli:v] – верить
- Dad! I saw them.
- What's the matter?
- In the woods. They're not bears.
- What do you mean "in the woods"? Bell, what the hell were you doing out in the woods?
see (saw, seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
What's the matter? – [wɒts ðə ˈmætə]  – В чем дело?
woods – [ˈwʊdz] – лес
bear – [ˈber] – медведь
mean (meant, meant) – [mi:n (ment, ment)] – иметь в виду, хотеть сказать
what the hell – [ˈwət ðə ˈhel] – какого черта
- They're wolves. I mean, they're like huge wolves.
- Are you sure about that, Bella?
- Yeah! I just saw them. They were after something.
- Wolves? You saw them? All right, well, Harry, feel like going hunting?
wolf (wolves) – [wʊlf (wʊlvz)] – волк (волки)
mean (meant, meant) – [mi:n (ment, ment)] – иметь в виду, хотеть сказать
huge – [ˈhju:dʒ] – огромный
sure – [ˈʃʊr] – уверенный
see (saw, seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
go (went, gone) hunting – [ˈɡoʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn) ˈhʌntɪŋ] – отправиться на охоту
- Get some of your guys together?
- Sure, yeah, I’ll just...
- By now, those wolves will be dead, and Laurent would have told her I’m unprotected. Victoria.
get (got, got) together – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt, ˈɡɒt) təˈɡeðər] – собирать
guys – [ˈɡaɪz] – ребята; парни
sure – [ˈʃʊr] – конечно
wolf (wolves) – [wʊlf (wʊlvz)] – волк (волки)
tell (told, told) – [tel (təʊld, təʊld)] – рассказать
unprotected – [ˌʌnprəˈtektəd] – беззащитный
- I should go to the station.
- Yeah, you should. You should go.
- Can you just stay in the house?
station – [ˈsteɪʃn̩] – участок
stay – [steɪ] – оставаться

 Часть 11


Часть 13