chapter – [ˈtʃæptə] – глава
first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

After some time, Harris and I began to think that Bell Weir lock had disappeared. ‘Perhaps someone has taken it away,’ we said.

after some time – [ˈɑ:ftə səm ˈtaɪm] – спустя какое-то время
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
think (thought; thought) –θɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t; ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз
disappear – [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə] – исчезать
perhaps – [pəˈhæps] – может быть, возможно
take (took, taken) away – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən) əˈweɪ] – убрать
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить

George had towed the boat as far as Staines, and we had towed it from there. It seemed to get heavier and heavier.

tow – [təʊ] – тащить, тянуть, буксировать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
as far as – [əz ˈfɑ:r æz] – до
seem – [si:m] – казаться, выглядеть, думаться
get (got; got) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt)] – становиться
heavier – [ˈhevɪə] – тяжелее

We began to think that we were right and that someone had moved the lock.

begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
think (thought; thought) –θɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t; ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
right – [raɪt] – правый
move – [mu:v] – двигать, передвигать
lock – [lɒk] – шлюз

But, finally, at half past seven, we reached it and got through it. By now we just wanted to eat and to go to bed.

finally – [ˈfaɪnəli] – наконец
half past seven – [hɑ:f pɑ:st ˈsevn̩] – полвина после семи (дословно); полвосьмого
reach – [ri:tʃ] – достичь, добраться
get (got; got) through – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) θru:] – пройти через
by now – [baɪ naʊ] – к этому времени
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
eat (ate; eaten) – [i:t (et; ˈi:tn̩)] – есть
go (went; gone) to bed – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) tə bed] – ложиться спать

So we stopped before we reached Magna Charta Island. It was quite a pretty place and we tied our boat to a big tree.

stop – [stɒp] – останавливаться
reach – [ri:tʃ] – достичь, добраться
island – [ˈaɪlənd] – остров
quite – [kwaɪt] – очень, весьма, в самом деле
pretty – [ˈprɪti] – приятный, прелестный, замечательный
place – [ˈpleɪs] – место
tie – [taɪ] – привязывать
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
big – [bɪɡ] – большой
tree – [tri:] – дерево

We were looking forward to having something to eat then, but George said, ‘No! It’s better to put the cover on the boat first, before it gets too dark.

look forward – [lʊk ˈfɔ:wəd] – предвкушать, ожидать с удовольствием
eat (ate; eaten) – [i:t (et; ˈi:tn̩)] – есть
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
good (better; best) – [ɡʊd (ˈbetə; best)] – хороший (лучше; самый лучший)
put (put; put) on – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) ɒn] – поставить
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
first – [ˈfɜ:st] – сначала
get (got; got) dark – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) dɑ:k] – темнеть

All our work will be finished then. We’ll be able to sit down and enjoy our meal.’

work – [ˈwɜ:k] – работа, труд
finished – [ˈfɪnɪʃt] – законченный
be able to – [bi ˈeɪbl̩ tu:] – быть в состоянии, мочь
sit (sat; sat) down – [sɪt (sæt; sæt) daʊn] – сесть
enjoy – [ɪnˈdʒoɪ] – получать удовольствие, наслаждаться
meal – [mi:l] – еда, кушанье

None of us had realized that it would be so difficult to fix the cover.

none of – [nʌn ɒv] – никто из
realize – [ˈrɪəlaɪz] – осознать, понять
difficult – [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] – сложный, трудный
fix – [fɪks] – установить, укрепить
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес

There were five pieces of metal and you put these into special holes on the side of the boat.

piece – [pi:s] – кусок
metal – [ˈmetl̩] – металл
put (put; put) into – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) ˈɪntə] – вставлять
special – [ˈspeʃl] – специальный
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие
side – [saɪd] – борт, бок
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

The pieces of metal were half circles, and when you had put them into the holes, you just had to pull the cover over them.

piece – [pi:s] – кусок
metal – [ˈmetl̩] – металл
half circle – [hɑ:f ˈsɜ:kl̩] – полукруговой
put (put; put) into – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) ˈɪntə] – вставлять
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
pull – [pʊl] – натянуть

We thought it would probably take about ten minutes. We were wrong.

think (thought, thought) – [ˈθɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t, ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
probably – [ˈprɒbəbli] – должно быть, наверное, вероятно
take (took; taken) – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən)] – занимать (время)
about – [əˈbaʊt] – около; приблизительно
minute – [ˈmɪnɪt] – минута
wrong – [rɒŋ] – неверный; ошибочный

We took the pieces of metal, and we began to drop them into the holes. You would not expect this to be dangerous work, but it was.

take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – брать, взять
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
metal – [ˈmetl̩] – металл
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
drop – [drɒp] – опускать, помещать
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие
expect – [ɪkˈspekt] – ожидать
dangerous – [ˈdeɪndʒərəs] – опасный
work – [ˈwɜ:k] – работа, труд

First of all, the pieces of metal would not fit into their holes. We had to jump on them, and kick them, and beat them.

first of all – [ˈfɜ:st əv ɔ:l] – прежде всего
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
metal – [ˈmetl̩] – металл
fit – [fɪt] – подходить, соответствовать
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие
jump – [dʒʌmp] – прыгать
kick – [kɪk] – пинать
beat (beat; beaten) – [bi:t (bi:t; ˈbi:tn̩)] – бить

And when we got one in, we found that it was the wrong piece of metal for those holes. So we had to take it out again.

get (got; got) in – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ɪn] – вставить
find (found, found) – [faɪnd (faʊnd, faʊnd)] – найти, обнаружить
wrong – [rɒŋ] – неверный
piece – [pi:s] – кусок
metal – [ˈmetl̩] – металл
hole – [həʊl] – отверстие
take (took; taken)  out – [teɪk (tʊk; ˈteɪkən) aʊt] – вынимать

At last we got them finished. Then we only had to put the cover on. George took one end, and he fastened it over the front of the boat.

at last – [ət lɑ:st] – наконец
get (got; got) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt)] – стать; получать; иметь
finished – [ˈfɪnɪʃt] – законченный
get (got; got) finished – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈfɪnɪʃt] – закончить, завершить
put (put; put) on – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) ɒn] – поставить
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – брать, взять
fasten – [ˈfɑ:sn̩] – прикреплять
front – [frʌnt] – передняя часть
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

Harris stood in the middle of the boat to take the cover from George. I stayed at the back of the boat to take the end of the cover from Harris.

stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – стоять
in the middle of – [ɪn ðə ˈmɪdl̩ ɒv] – посреди, посредине
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – брать, взять
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
stay – [steɪ] – оставаться
at the back of – [ət ðə ˈbæk ɒv] – в задней части

George did his job all right, but it was new work to Harris, and he did everything wrong.

do\does (did; done) – [dʊ\dʌz (dɪd; dʌn)] – делать
job – [dʒɒb] – работа
all right – [ɔ:l raɪt] – хорошо
work – [ˈwɜ:k] – работа, труд
wrong – [rɒŋ] – неверный

I do not know how he did it, and Harris himself could not explain it later. After ten minutes of really hard work, he was inside the cover.

know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
do\does (did; done) – [dʊ\dʌz (dɪd; dʌn)] – делать
explain – [ɪkˈspleɪn] – объяснять
later – [ˈleɪtə] – позже
minute – [ˈmɪnɪt] – минута
really – [ˈrɪəli] – действительно
hard – [hɑ:d] – усердный, тяжелый, трудный
work – [ˈwɜ:k] – работа, труд
inside – [ɪnˈsaɪd] – внутри
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес

He could not get out. He fought the cover hard – and knocked George over. Then George got angry and he began to fight, too.

get (got; got) out – [ˈɡet  (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) aʊt] – выбраться; вылезти
fight (fought, fought) – [faɪt (ˈfɔ:t, ˈfɔːt)] – бороться, драться
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
hard – [hɑ:d] – усиленно
knock over – [nɒk ˈəʊvə] – сбить с ног
get (got; got) angry – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈæŋɡri] – рассердиться
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать

George could not get out of the cover either. At the time, I did not know anything about all this.

get (got; got) out of – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) aʊt ɒv] – выбраться из; вылезти из
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
either – [ˈaɪðə\ˈi:ðər] – также
at the time – [ət ðə ˈtaɪm] – в тот момент
know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать

I did not understand what was happening anyway. They had told Montmorency and me to stand and wait.

understand (understood, understood) – [ˌʌndəˈstænd (ˌʌndəˈstʊd, ˌʌndəˈstʊd)] – понимать
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться
anyway – [ˈeniweɪ] – так или иначе, как бы то ни было
tell (told, told) – [tel (təʊld, təʊld)] – сказать
stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – стоять
wait – [weɪt] – ждать

So Montmorency and I stood there and waited. We could see that the cover was moving about quite violently.

stand (stood, stood) – [stænd (stʊd, stʊd)] – стоять
wait – [weɪt] – ждать
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
move – [mu:v] – двигаться
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, очень
violently – [ˈvaɪələntli] – резко, бурно

However, we thought that it was all necessary for the job. We did nothing because they had told us to wait.

however – [haʊˈevə] – тем не менее, однако
think (thought, thought) – [ˈθɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t, ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
necessary – [ˈnesəsəri] – необходимо
job – [dʒɒb] – работа
do\does (did; done) – [dʊ\dʌz (dɪd; dʌn)] – делать
tell (told, told) – [tel (təʊld, təʊld)] – сказать
wait – [weɪt] – ждать

We also heard many bad words coming from under the cover. Montmorency and I decided that this was because the job was very difficult.

also – [ˈɔ:lsəʊ] – так же
hear (heard, heard) – [hɪə (hɜ:d, hɜ:d)] – слышать
word – [ˈwɜ:d] – слово
come (came; come) from – [kʌm (keɪm; kʌm) frɒm] – раздаваться из
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
decide – [dɪˈsaɪd] – решать
job – [dʒɒb] – работа
difficult – [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] – сложный; трудный

We waited for some time, but everything seemed to get worse. Finally George’s head appeared over the side of the boat.

wait – [weɪt] – ждать
for some time – [fə səm ˈtaɪm] – в течение некоторого времени
seem – [si:m] – казаться, выглядеть
get (got; got) worse – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) wɜ:s] – становиться хуже
finally – [ˈfaɪnəli] – наконец
head – [ˈhed] – голова
appear – [əˈpɪə] – появиться, показаться
side – [saɪd] – борт, край
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка

It said, ‘We can’t breathe under here! Why don’t you help us, you great stupid thing!’

say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
breathe – [bri:ð] – дышать
help – [ˈhelp] – помогать
great – [ˈɡreɪt] – большой; огромный
stupid thing – [ˈstju:pɪd ˈθɪŋ] – тупица

So I went and helped them. Harris’s face was nearly black, so I was just in time.

go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти
help – [ˈhelp] – помогать
face – [feɪs] – лицо
nearly – [ˈnɪəli] – почти
black – [blæk] – черный
just in time – [dʒəst ɪn ˈtaɪm] – как раз вовремя

It took another half an hour after that to fix the cover. And then we started to prepare supper.

take (took, taken) – [teɪk (tʊk, ˈteɪkən)] – занимать (время)
half an hour – [hɑ:f ən ˈaʊə] – полчаса
fix – [fɪks] – установить, укрепить
cover – [ˈkʌvə] – чехол, покров, навес
start – [stɑ:t] – начинать
prepare – [prɪˈpeə] – готовить, приготовить
supper – [ˈsʌpə] – ужин

We needed some hot water to make tea, so we put the water on the stove at the front of the boat, and we went to the back.

need – [ni:d] – нуждаться; требоваться
hot – [hɒt] – горячий
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – сделать
tea – [ti:] – чай
put (put; put) on – [ˈpʊt (ˈpʊt; ˈpʊt) ɒn] – поставить
stove – [stəʊv] – плита
at the front of – [ət ðə frʌnt ɒv] – спереди
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
go (went, gone) – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn)] – идти
back – [ˈbæk] – задняя часть; киль

We pretended that we were not interested in the water at all. We wanted it to think we did not care if it got hot or not. We began to get the other things out.

pretend – [prɪˈtend] – делать вид, притворяться
interested – [ˈɪntrəstɪd] – заинтересованный
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
at all – [ət ɔ:l] – вообще; нисколько
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
think (thought; thought) –θɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t; ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
care – [keə] – беспокоиться, думать, заботиться
get (got; got) hot – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) hɒt] – нагреваться; становиться горячим (дословно)
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
get (got; got) out – [ˈɡet  (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) aʊt] – вытаскивать
thing – [ˈθɪŋ] – вещь

That is the only way to get hot water on the river. If the water knows that you are waiting for it, it will never get hot.

way – [ˈweɪ] – путь, способ
get (got; got) – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt)] – получить; достать
hot – [hɒt] – горячий
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
river – [ˈrɪvə] – река
know (knew; known) – [nəʊ (nju:, nəʊn)] – знать
wait – [weɪt] – ждать
get (got; got) hot – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) hɒt] – нагреваться; становиться горячим (дословно)

You have to go away and begin your meal without it. You must not look at it.

have\has (had; had) to – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd) tu:] – должен
go (went; gone) away – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent; ɡɒn) əˈweɪ] – уходить
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
meal – [mi:l] – еда, кушанье
must not – [mʌst nɒt] – нельзя
look at – [ˈlʊk ət] – смотреть на

Then you will soon hear it making a lot of noise, because it wants to be made into tea.

soon – [su:n] – скоро, вскоре
hear (heard; heard) – [hɪə (hɜ:d; hɜ:d)] – слышать
make (made; made) – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd)] – создать
a lot of – [ə lɒt ɒv] – много
noise – [nɔɪz] – шум
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
made – [ˈmeɪd] – сделанный, приготовленный
tea – [ti:] – чай

It is also a good idea to talk very loudly to each other.

also – [ˈɔ:lsəʊ] – так же
good (better; best) – [ɡʊd (ˈbetə; best)] – хороший (лучше; самый лучший)
idea – [aɪˈdɪə] – идея; мысль
talk – [ˈtɔ:k] – говорить; разговаривать
loudly – [ˈlaʊdli] – громко
each other – [i:tʃ ˈʌðə] – друг с другом

You must say that you do not want any tea, that you do not need any tea, and that you are not going to have any tea.

must – [mʌst] – должен
say (said; said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed; ˈsed)] – сказать; говорить
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
tea – [ti:] – чай
need – [ni:d] – нуждаться; требоваться
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
have\has (had; had) – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd)] – иметь; пить

You get very near the water and you shout,
‘I don’t want any tea. Do you, George?’

get (got; got) near – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) nɪə] – приближаться; близко подходить
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
shout – [ʃaʊt] – кричать
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
tea – [ti:] – чай

And George shouts back, ‘Oh, no. I don’t like tea. We’ll have milk.’
This makes the water very angry, and it gets hot very fast.

shout – [ʃaʊt] – кричать
back – [ˈbæk] – обратно
like – [ˈlaɪk] – нравиться
tea – [ti:] – чай
milk – [mɪlk] – молоко
make (made; made) angry – [ˈmeɪk (ˈmeɪd; ˈmeɪd) ˈæŋɡri] – рассердить; разгневать
water – [ˈwɔ:tə] – вода
get (got; got) hot – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) hɒt] – нагреваться; становиться горячим (дословно)
fast – [fɑ:st] – быстро

We did this, and, when everything else was ready, the tea was ready, too. Then we sat down to have supper.

do\does (did; done) – [dʊ\dʌz (dɪd; dʌn)] – делать
ready – [ˈredi] – готовый
tea – [ti:] – чай
sit (sat; sat) down – [sɪt (sæt; sæt) daʊn] – сесть
have\has (had; had) supper – [həv\hæz (həd; hæd) ˈsʌpə] – ужинать

We really wanted that supper. We needed that supper. And for thirty-five minutes nobody on the boat spoke.

really – [ˈrɪəli] – действительно; на самом деле
want – [ˈwɒnt] – хотеть
supper – [ˈsʌpə] – ужин
need – [ni:d] – нуждаться; требоваться
thirty-five – [ˈθɜ:ti faɪv] – 35
boat – [bəʊt] – лодка
speak (spoke, spoken) – [spi:k (spəʊk, ˈspəʊkən)] – говорить

After supper, we sat and smiled at each other. We smiled at Montmorency, too. We loved everybody.

supper – [ˈsʌpə] – ужин
sit (sat, sat) – [sɪt (sæt, sæt)] – сидеть
smile – [smaɪl] – улыбаться
each other – [i:tʃ ˈʌðə] – друг другу
love – [lʌv] – любить

We sat back, we lit our pipes, and we began to talk.

sit (sat; sat) back – [sɪt (sæt; sæt) ˈbæk] – откинуться на спинку
lit – [lɪt] – зажечь
pipe – [paɪp] – трубка
begin (began, begun) – [bɪˈɡɪn (bɪˈɡæn, bɪˈɡʌn)] – начинать
talk – [ˈtɔ:k] – говорить; разговаривать

George told us about something very funny that happened to his father once…

tell (told, told) – [tel (təʊld, təʊld)] – рассказать
funny – [ˈfʌni] – забавный; смешной
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец

When he was young, George’s father was travelling with a friend. One night they stopped at a little hotel.

young – [jʌŋ] – молодой
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
travel – [ˈtrævl̩] – путешествовать
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
night – [ˈnaɪt] – ночь
stop – [stɒp] – останавливаться
little (less; least) – [ˈlɪtl̩ (les; li:st)] – маленький; небольшой (меньше; самое малое)
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница

They spent the evening there with some other young men. After a very happy evening they went to bed.

spend (spent, spent) – [spend (spent, spent)] – проводить
evening – [ˈi:vn̩ɪŋ] – вечер
young – [jʌŋ] – молодой
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
happy – [ˈhæpi] – счастливый
go (went, gone) to bed – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn) tə bed] – ложиться спать

It was late, and, by that time, they (George’s father and George’s father’s friend) were feeling quite happy themselves.

late – [leɪt] – поздно
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
friend – [ˈfrend] – друг
feel (felt; felt) – [fi:l (felt; felt)] – чувствовать; ощущать
quite – [kwaɪt] – действительно, весьма, очень
happy – [ˈhæpi] – счастливый; довольный

Anyway, they were going to sleep in the same room, but in different beds.

anyway – [ˈeniweɪ] – так или иначе, как бы то ни было
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
sleep (slept; slept) – [sli:p (slept; slept)] – спать
the same – [ðə seɪm] – один и тот же; та же
room – [ru:m] – комната; номер
different – [ˈdɪfrənt] – различный, разный
bed – [bed] – кровать

When they got into the room, they dropped their light, which went out. So they had to undress and get into bed in the dark.

get (got; got) into – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈɪntə] – входить
room – [ru:m] – комната; номер
drop – [drɒp] – уронить
light – [laɪt] – свет, лампа
which – [wɪtʃ] – который
go (went; gone) out – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn) ˈaʊt] – гаснуть
undress – [ʌnˈdres] – раздеваться
get (got; got) into bed – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈɪntə bed] – ложиться в постель
dark – [dɑ:k] – темнота

They thought they were getting into separate beds. However, because they could not see, they both got into the same one.

think (thought, thought) – [ˈθɪŋk (ˈθɔ:t, ˈθɔ:t)] – думать
get (got; got) into bed – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ˈɪntə bed] – ложиться в постель
separate – [ˈseprət] – различный
however – [haʊˈevə] – тем не менее, однако
because – [bɪˈkɒz] – потому что; так как
see (saw; seen) – [ˈsi: (ˈsɔ:, ˈsi:n)] – видеть
both – [bəʊθ] – оба
the same – [ðə seɪm] – одна и та же

One of them got in with his head at the top of the bed. The other one got in on the other side of the bed. He lay with his feet by the first one’s head.

get (got; got) in – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ɪn] – влезть; сесть; лечь
head – [ˈhed] – голова
at the top of – [ət ðə tɒp ɒv] – в верхней части
bed – [bed] – кровать
on the other side of – [ɒn ði ˈʌðə saɪd ɒv] – на другой стороне
lay (laid; laid) – [leɪ (leɪd; leɪd)] – лежать
foot (feet) – [fʊt (fi:t)] – нога (ноги)
first – [ˈfɜ:st] – первый

Nobody spoke for a moment. Then George’s father said, ‘Joe!’
‘What’s the matter, Tom?’ Joe replied, from the other end of the bed.

speak (spoke, spoken) – [spi:k (spəʊk, ˈspəʊkən)] – говорить
for a moment – [fər ə ˈməʊmənt] – на мгновение; на минуту
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
what’s the matter? – [ˈwɒts ðə ˈmætə] – что случилось?; в чем дело?
reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать
end – [end] – конец
bed – [bed] – кровать

‘Why, there’s a man in my bed,’ George’s father said. ‘His feet are here, next to me.’

man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
bed – [bed] – кровать
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
foot (feet) – [fʊt (fi:t)] – нога (ноги)
next to – [nekst tu:] – рядом с

‘Well, that’s very strange, Tom,’ Joe answered, ‘but there’s a man in my bed, too.’
‘What are you going to do?’ George’s father asked.

strange – [streɪndʒ] – странный
answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
bed – [bed] – кровать
going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
do\does (did; done) – [dʊ\dʌz (dɪd; dʌn)] – делать
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать

‘Well, I’m going to throw him out,’ Joe replied.
‘So am I,’ George’s father said, bravely.

going to – [ɡəʊɪŋ tu:] – собираться
throw (threw, thrown) out – [ˈθrəʊ (θru: ˈθrəʊn) ˈaʊt] – выгонять, вышвыривать, сбрасывать
reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
bravely – [ˈbreɪvli] – смело

There was a short fight, and then there were two heavy bangs on the floor. After a moment or two, a rather sad voice said, ‘I say, Tom!’

short – [ʃɔ:t] – краткий, короткий
fight – [faɪt] – драка
heavy – [ˈhevi] – тяжелый, сильный
bang – [bæŋ] – удар, стук
floor – [flɔ:] – пол
moment – [ˈməʊmənt] – миг; мгновение; момент
rather – [ˈrɑ:ðə] – скорее, слегка
sad – [sæd] – грустный; печальный
voice – [vɔɪs] – голос
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить

‘How have you got on?’
‘Well, to tell the truth, my man’s thrown me out.’

get (got; got) on – [ˈɡet (ˈɡɒt; ˈɡɒt) ɒn] – справляться
tell the truth – [tel ðə tru:θ] – по правде сказать; честно говоря
man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
throw (threw, thrown) out – [ˈθrəʊ (θru: ˈθrəʊn) ˈaʊt] – выгонять, вышвыривать, сбрасывать

‘My man’s thrown me out, too… I say, this isn’t a very good hotel, is it?’…

man (men) – [mæn (men)] – мужчина; человек (мужчины; люди)
throw (threw, thrown) out – [ˈθrəʊ (θru: ˈθrəʊn) ˈaʊt] – выгонять, вышвыривать, сбрасывать
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
good (better; best) – [ɡʊd (ˈbetə; best)] – хороший (лучше; самый лучший)
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница

At the end of George’s story, Harris asked, ‘What was the name of the hotel?’
‘The Riverside,’ George replied. ‘Why?’

at the end – [ət ði end] – в конце чего-либо
story – [ˈstɔ:ri] – рассказ; история
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать
name – [ˈneɪm] – название
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
riverside – [ˈrɪvəsaɪd] – прибрежный
reply – [rɪˈplaɪ] – отвечать

‘Ah, it isn’t the same hotel, then,’ Harris answered.
‘What do you mean?’ George asked.

the same – [ðə seɪm] – тот же
hotel – [ˌhəʊˈtel] – отель; гостиница
answer – [ˈɑ:nsə] – отвечать
mean (meant; meant) – [mi:n (ment; ment)] – иметь в виду, подразумевать
ask – [ɑ:sk] – спрашивать

‘Well, it’s strange,’ Harris said, ‘but the same thing happened to my father once. I’ve often heard him tell the story.’

strange – [streɪndʒ] – странный
say (said, said) – [ˈseɪ (ˈsed, ˈsed)] – сказать, говорить
the same – [ðə seɪm] – та же
thing – [ˈθɪŋ] – вещь
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить, случаться
father – [ˈfɑ:ðə] – отец
often – [ˈɒfn̩] – часто
hear (heard, heard) – [hɪə (hɜ:d, hɜ:d)] – слышать
tell (told; told) – [ˈtel (toʊld; toʊld)] – рассказать
story – [ˈstɔ:ri] – рассказ; история

After that, we went to bed, but I slept very badly.

go (went, gone) to bed – [ɡəʊ (ˈwent, ɡɒn) tə bed] – ложиться спать
sleep (slept, slept) – [sli:p (slept, slept)] – спать
badly – [ˈbædli] – плохо

Глава 8 


Глава 10